Schedule Module 27 - Radiation Protection

Spring 2014,

Tthe radiation protection module is offered, in English, in May:

  • Tuesday 20th May
  • Wednesday 21st May
  • Thursday 22nd May
  • Friday 23rd May

The course starts at 09:00 each morning and lasts until about 17:00. Lunch break will be 12:15-13:00. We serve coffee/tee during breaks and in the morning.

The course is given at the SAFE-centre at the Department of Chemistry in the Chemistry building at Blindern campus (street address Sem Sælands vei 26). You can find a map here: /om/finn-fram. Enter the Chemistry building at the main entrance (from the west) and then turn right. Signs will be posted to guide you to the lecture room (VU55). Call me if you get lost.

All course material will be provided, but you should bring a "scientific" calculator if you have one (i.e. with logarithmic and exponential functions). Participants from UiO (employees or students) should bring their own radiation badges ("dosimeter"), if they have been issued with one. Participants from outside the university can bring radiation badges if allowed by their employers, if issued. Those without radiation badges will be provided with guest radiation-badges.

We will not handle high amount of radiation during the course and you will not be exposed to any high-level radiation field. Thus, if you should happen to be pregnant, or just a little worried about radiation, you need not worry. If you want to discuss this, please do not hesitate to contact me or our radiation officer (Frøydis Schulz - e-mail in the cc field in the header), in case you prefer to discuss it with another woman.


Av Jon Petter Omtvedt
Publisert 1. sep. 2014 07:16