

Jukka Lehto og Xiaolin Hou: Chemistry and analysis of radionuclides : laboratory techniques and methodology, 2011. Wiley. ISBN: 978-3-527-63277-0.

Chapter 1 Radionuclides and their Radiometric Measurement (pages 1–24)

Chapter 2 Special Features of the Chemistry of Radionuclides and their Separation (pages 25–34)

Chapter 3 Factors Affecting Chemical Forms of Radionuclides in Aqueous Solutions (pages 35–56)

Chapter 4 Separation Methods (pages 57–80)

Chapter 5 Yield Determinations and Counting Source Preparation (pages 81–90)

Chapter 18 Sampling and Sample Pretreatment for the Determination of Radionuclides (pages 361–389)

Chapter 19 Chemical Changes Induced by Radioactive Decay (pages 391–396)


Tor Bjørnstad: Kompendium, 2012. UiO. Deles ut på forelesningene.


Walter D. Loveland, David J. Morrissey, Glenn T. Seaborg: Modern nuclear chemistry , 2006. Wiley-Interscience. ISBN: 9781615838394, 1615838392. Dette er pensumboken for KJM3900.

Karlsruher Nuklidkarte, Magill-Pfennig-Galy. ISBN: 79-02175-3.

Publisert 13. aug. 2012 13:35 - Sist endret 13. aug. 2012 14:14