Updates about the teaching offer in MAT2200

Notes: I will continue to post pdf-files of handwritten notes. Today I posted the notes for the lecture 17 March. (As always, there are small typos which only become visible after the file is posted, so on page 3 at the bottom it should be s+m/d and s+2m/d not s+d and s+2d. )

Lectures: We will have our first lecture via Zoom/Canvas on Tuesday 24 March at 12:00-13:30. I will write on an ipad and the text will appear on your screens (similar to what is done on a smartboard). You will have to join the meeting in Zoom after logging in to Canvas. I haven't tried this before, so good luck to all of us!

Plenary sessions: We aim to post suggested solutions for selected exercises in each section.This should help with solving other exercises in the same section. It is possible that at a later stage we will start with online sessions using zoom, if there is interest for this option.

Email: Remember that you can send emails to me at nadiasl"at"math.uio.no or to Gard Helle at gardoh"at"student.matnat.uio.no for any questions you might have about the lectures, exercises, schedule, and other teaching related aspects.

Published Mar. 19, 2020 3:48 PM - Last modified Mar. 19, 2020 3:48 PM