
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
18.01.2010Xavier Raynaud  Lille fysiske auditorium  Modelling via differential equations  Edwards and Penney, Section 1.1-1.2 
21.01.2011--  --  Separable equations  EP 1.3 
25.01.2011--  --  Slope fields  EP 1.2 
28.01.2011--  --  Exercise session  Ex. 1.1.12 (ex. 12 in section 1.1) and ex. 1.1.31, 1.2.17, 1.4.3, 1.4.15, 1.4.38, 1.4.52. solutions 
01.02.2011--  --  Existence/uniqueness - Linear equations  EP 1.4,1.5 
04.02.2011--  --  Substitution methods  EP 1.6

In section 1.3, ex 1,11,12,15,23,30,31 solutions 

08.02.2011--  --  Substitution methods - Euler's method  EP 1.6, 6.1-2 
11.02.2011--  --  Exercise session  Exercises 1.5: 24,25 and 1.6: 5,11,57,58,59 solutions 
15.02.2011--  --  Numerical methods - Systems of ODE  EP 6.2-3, EP 5.1 
22.02.2011--  --  Systems of ODE  EP 5.1 - Phase plane plot

Exercise 6.2.17 and this exercise. solution 

25.02.2011--  --  Linear systems  EP 5.3

Exercise 5.1.10,21,29. 

01.03.2011--  --  Linear systems  EP 5.3-4

This exercise (from the book "Differential Equations" of Blanchard, Devaney, Hall) and this exercise. solution 

04.03.2011--  --  Linear systems - Complex eigenvalues  EP 5.4

Exercises 5.4.6,19,41 solution 

08.03.2011--  --  Linear Systems - Multiple Eigenvalue Solutions  EP 5.6 
11.03.2011--  --  Multiple eigenvalues solutions  EP 5.6 + lecture notes (updated version). Exercises 5.4.11,15,29. solutions 
15.03.2011--  --  Matrix exponentials  EP 5.7 
18.03.2011--  --  --  Cancelled 
22.03.2011--  --  Matrix exponentials  EP 5.7. Exercises 5.6.23,30,34 
25.03.2011Nils Henrik Risebro  --  Matrix exponential  EP section: 5.7-5.8. 
29.03.2011NHR  --  Nonlinear equations  EP, chapter 7. 
01.04.2011NHR  --  Exercises  From Edwards & Penney: 5.7: 7, 11, 16, 21, 27, 33, 34. 
05.04.2011NHR  --  Nonlinear systems, linearization  EP, chapter 7 
08.04.2011NHR  --  Nonlinear systems, exercises  From Edwards & Penney: 7.1: 8,9, 7.2: 1 - 8. 
12.04.2011Xavier Raynaud  --  Calculus of Variation  Sydsæter, Seierstad, Strøm (SSS), Matematisk Analyse: seksjon 11.1-11.2

Seierstad, Sydsæter (SS), Optimal control with economic applications: section 1.1. 

15.04.2011--  --  Calculus of variation  SSS, ex 1,3,6,8 p.341 english version  
26.04.2011--  --  Calculus of Variation  Convex functions. Sufficient condition for minimizer. Free terminal conditions. SSS 11.3-5 
29.04.2011--  --  Calculus of variation  Terminal condition with inequality. SSS 11.5

exercise (solution) 

03.05.2011--  --  Optimal Control  Pontryagin maximum principle. 
06.05.2011--  --    SSS, ex 1,2 p.355 english version 
10.05.2011--  --  Optimal Control  Examples. Sensitivity Analysis 
13.05.2011--  --  --  Exercises 
20.05.2011--  --  --  Sensitivity Analysis 
27.05.2011--  --  --  Repetition. We go through some exercises and previous exams. 
Published Jan. 10, 2011 3:44 PM - Last modified May 25, 2011 3:58 PM