Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
14.01.2013 Terje Sund (TS)  FYS (Store Fysikk Auditorium)  Edwards & Penney (EP) 1.1, 1.2, 1.4  First-order differential equations and mathematical models. Separable equations. 
18.01.2013 TS  VB 1 (Vilhelm Bjerknes Auditorium 1)  EP 1.3, 1.5  Slope fields. Existence and uniqueness. Linear equations  
21.01.2013 TS  Store Fysikk Auditorium  EP 1.6, ( 2.1)  Substitution methods and exact equations. (Second-order linear equations.) 
25.01.2013 TS  VB 1  Exercises (Problem Session) and Section 1.6: Reducible equations.  Exercises 1.1.10, 1.1.30, 1.1.45, 1.2.18, 1.4.5, 1.4.18, 1.4.35, 1.4.53, 1.4.66

EP Section 1.6: Reducible equations


28.01.2013 TS  FYS  EP 2.1, (2.2 Theorem 5, 2.3 Theorem 3)  Second-order linear equations. General solutions. Wronskians. Uniqueness. Characteristic equations. Nonhomogeneous linear equations (emphasis on equations of second order). 
01.02.2013 TS  VB1  Exercises  In EP

1.3: 1, 11, 12, 16, 23, 30, (32)

1.5: 22, 25, (31)

1.6: 1, 5, (57, 58, 62)

Exercises in parenthesis will only be done if there is enough time. 

04.02.2013 TS  FYS  EP 2.2 Theorem 5, 2.3 Theorem 3, 2.5  Repeated roots, complex roots. Nonhomogeneous linear equations. Undetermined coefficients, with emphasis on equations of second order. Variation of parameters. 
08.02.2013 TS  VB1  Exercises  In EP

2.1: 1, 17 21, 24, 32, 33, 38, 40, 43, 51, 52.

1.6: 57, 58, 62 

11.02.2013 TS  VB1  SSS 4.5 (pp.114-116, first half of p.117).11.1, 11.2 (SSS=Sydsæter, Seierstad, Strøm, Matematisk Analyse II)  Convex and concave functions and the 2nd-derivative test. Calculus of Variations. The Euler equation. The main theorem. 
15.02.2013 TS  FYS  Exercises  In EP

2.2: 25, (26), 36, 44

2.3: 22, 23

2.5: 1, 3, 4, 57 

18.02.2013 TS  VB1  SSS 11.2-11.5  Calculus of Variations. Proof of the Main Theorem 
22.02.2013 TS  FYS  Exercises  In EP:

2.5: 10, 61


4.5: 2, 3

11.2: 1, 7, 8, 9

(11.3: 1, 2, 3 except the case T=1.) SOLUTIONS


25.02.2013 TS  VB1  SSS 11.3-11.5. EP 5.1  Other endpoint conditions, in particular the case of a free right endpoint (in calculus of variations).

First-order linear systems of differential equations. 

01.03.2013 TS  FYS  Exercises  In SSS (text in Norwegian)

11.3: 1, 2, 3 except the case T=1. 11.5: 2 (a) and (b).

Exam June 2006, Problem 1 (Oppgave 1)

04.03.2013 TS  VB1  EP 5.1-5.3, 5.4  The method of elimination. Matrices and linear systems. The eigenvalue method. 
08.03.2013 TS  FYS  Exercises. Theory from 5.3 and 5.4  EP

5.1: 8, 21; 5.3: 21; 5.4: 17, (24)

+ General solutions of linear first order systems. The eigenvalue method. 

11.03.2013 TS  VB1  EP 5.3, 5.4, (5.6)  Wronskians of systems. Solutions of nonhomogeneous systems. Complex eigenvalues. (Multiple eigenvalue solutions.)

Obligatory Problem Set

15.03.2013 TS  FYS  Exercises. Theory from 5.6.  EP

5.4: 24, 20; 5.6: 1, (2) (you may use the method of elimination on 5.6: 1 and 2)

From 5.6: Multiple eigenvalue solutions.(Defective eigenvalues.) 

18.03.2013 -----  FYS  ------  Midterm exams: No lecture  
22.03.2013 ---  VB1  ---  Midterm exams: No problem session 

March 25- April 2: Easter vacation.

Dato Undervises av Sted Tema Kommentarer / ressurser
05.04.2013 TS  VB1  EP 5.6  Multiple eigenvalue solutions. Defective eigenvalues.  
08.04.2013 TS  FYS  Exercises  5.6: 2, 3, 7, 15, 16, (21) 
12.04.2013 TS  VB1  EP 5.7   Matrix exponentials.  
15.04.2013 TS  FYS EP 5.7, 5.8  Matrix exponentials. Variation of parameters.  
19.04.2013 TS  VB1 SSS 12.1-12.4  Optimal Control Theory. The Maximum Principle (first version). Mangasarian's Theorem (first version). Examples.  
22.04.2013 TS  FYS Exercises  EP 5.7: 3, 21, 25, 29, 34, 37. (5.8: 19) 
26.04.2013 TS  VB1 SSS 12.3-12.4   Optimal Control Theory. The Maximum Principle (general version). Mangasarian's Theorem (general version).
29.04.2013 TS  FYS Exercises  SSS 12.2: 1, 2, 3. EP 5.8: 2, 24 
03.05.2013 TS  VB1 SSS 12.7 Proof of Mangasarian's Theorem. Arrow's Theorem. Examples.
06.05.2013 TS  FYS


EP 7.1-7.3

12.4: 1, 2, 3

Nonlinear and almost linear systems of differential equations.

Isolated critical points. Linearized systems.

10.05.2013 TS  VB1 EP 7.2, 7.3  

Nonlinear systems. Almost linear systems, linearization. Equilibrium solutions and stability.  

The phase plane: Real eigenvalues. Complex eigenvalues.

13.05.2013 TS  FYS


(+ some theory from EP. 7.3)

EP 7.2: 9. Also find the linearizations at the critical (equilibrium) points. Determine the type of each critical points. 

Exam June 2006, Oppgave 2.

(Exam June 2010, Oppgave 1)

Linear and almost linear systems. Linearization. Equilibrium solutions and stability. The phase plane: Complex eigenvalues.

24.05.2013 TS  VB1


Theory from EP 7.3

(Linear and almost linear systems. Linearization. Equilibrium solutions and stability. The phase plane: Complex eigenvalues.)

EP 7.3: (17,) 29, 30, 33. Exam June 2010, Oppgave 1 Notice that likevektspunkt = critical point (also called equilibrium point.)

(The following: Problem

Solution to Problem )


27.05.2013 TS  FYS Exercises

Exam 2011

Final session before the exam.



Published Dec. 26, 2012 11:00 PM - Last modified May 27, 2013 4:31 PM