The first weeks of the course

I have updated the schedule of the course with curriculum and exercises for the first weeks of the course. I have also added some resources on the course webpage, including some source code, and a zoomlink to the lectures and groups. We plan to broadcast all lectures on zoom, regardless of whether we can use the auditorium at the university or not. The last I heard was that the first two weeks of the course will be digital on zoom only, but stay tuned to find out if yesterday's new rules mean that we can use the auditorium already from the start of the course. 

I recommend that all of you use the group on tuesdays to attempt the exercises (first time 25. january). I will go through the same exercises in plenary two days after.


Publisert 14. jan. 2022 12:46 - Sist endret 14. jan. 2022 12:46