Semester page for MAT3440 - Spring 2018


The solution of the exam can be found here.

25. juni 2018 17:00

For those of you who are taking the repeated exam in MAT2440: The course MAT3440 is a continuation of MAT2440, but where control theory has been replaced by numerical methods. If you are taking the exam in MAT2440 then the syllabus is [Meiss, chapter 1-4] as well as chapter 3-4 of Terje Sund's lecture notes.

4. juni 2018 12:58

There will be office hours today (Tuesday 29 May) and on Tuesday 5 June from 14:15-16:00.

Auditorium 4 might be occupied today, so if it is, I will find a table somewhere on the first floor of Vilhelm Bjerknes' house.

The office hours on 5 June will be in VB Aud 4.

29. mai 2018 10:34

A suggested solution to exercise set 7 is now available on the "weekly exercises" page.


Good luck on the exam!

Best regards,

Trygve Bærland

28. mai 2018 09:21

There will be Q/A sessions on Monday 28.05 at 14:15-16:00 and Monday 04.06 at 14:15-16:00 in auditorium 4, Vilhelm Bjerknes' house Tuesday 29.05 at 14:15-16:00 and Tuesday 05.06 at 14:15-16:00 in VB aud. 4. You can come and ask me anything!

Note also the updated info on the "Syllabus" and "Exam info" pages.

18. mai 2018 14:23