More news about the exam

We have now had more information about the exam from the Mathematics Department. They say:

The exam will be an open book home exam with a duration of seven days. The problems will be similar to those of a mandatory assignment. Collaboration will be allowed, but you have to formulate and write/type the paper yourself, and it should reflect your understanding of the material. The grade will be passed/failed and the limit for passing will be 40% (i.e. the same as on an ordinary exam). The exam problems will be published in Inspera at the original starting time for the exam, and you have to turn in your paper to Inspera as a single pdf-file within 7 days. The Faculty is working to find a solution for students who do not have access to a computer or the Internet.



Published Mar. 31, 2020 8:00 AM - Last modified Mar. 31, 2020 8:01 AM