Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
17.01.2011      Introduction, H: Chapter 0. Pushouts 
19.01.2011      H: Chapter 0. M: Chapter 10. CW-complexes. 
24.01.2011      CW-complexes continued. H: Chapter 0. M: Chapter 6. HEP and cofibrations.  
26.01.2011      H: Chapter 0. M: Chapter 6. HEP and cofibrations. Exercises. 
31.01.2011      H: Chapter 0. M: Chapter 6. HEP and cofibrations. H: Section 4.1. M: Chapter 9. Higher homotopy groups, Whiteheads theorem, cellular approximations. 
02.02.2011      H: Section 4.1 & 4.2. M: Chapter 7 & 9. Cellular approximation & fibrations. Remaining exercises from 26.01 
07.02.2011      H: Section 4.1 & 4.2. M: Chapter 7 & 9. Whiteheads theorem, cellular approximations & fibrations. 
09.02.2011      H: section 4.2 M: Chapter 7 & 9 Fibrations. Remaining exercises from 26.01  
14.02.2011      H: section 4.2 M: Chapter 7 & 9 Fibrations 
16.02.2011      H: section 4.1 CW-approximation. Exercises: Problem 1 and 3 from problemset "week 7" 
21.02.2011      H: section 4.1 CW-approximation. 
23.02.2011      H: section 4.1 and 4.2 CW-approximation and excision. Remaining exercises from "week 7"(Hatcher problem 3)  
28.02.2011      Excision 4.2 including Proposotion 4,28 (but I will skip the proof of Thm 4.23 and example 4.27) Fibre bundles p. 376 
02.03.2011      Fibre bundles. p.377-379. Example 4.53 and4.54. p.381-383. If we have some spare time; problem 2, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19 and 20 in Hatcher section 4.1 
07.03.2011      Hatcher 1.2: Free products of groups and Van Kampen Theorem 
09.03.2011      H: Section 1.3, Covering spaces.  
14.03.2011      H: Section 1.3, Covering spaces.  
16.03.2011      H: Section 1.3, Covering spaces.  
21.03.2011      Covering spaces H 1.3:(deck transformations and group actions)  
23.03.2011      H Chapter 2: Homology 
28.03.2011      Simplicial homology, singular homology, reduced homology. 
30.03.2011      Homotopy invariance theorem.  
04.04.2011      Relative homology groups, exact sequences  
06.04.2011      Excision 
11.04.2011      Excision and applications of excisions (Hatcher p.122-126) 
Published Jan. 13, 2011 4:47 PM - Last modified Apr. 8, 2011 4:52 PM