
Publisert 30. apr. 2018 10:26

As the submission deadline is approaching, we expect you to have questions about writing mathematics, bibliographies and LaTeX. On May 7th and May 14th from 10:15-12:00, you can come to Auditorium 2 in Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus to get help with these issues. Please bring your laptop or a printed version of your current draft.

Publisert 10. feb. 2018 15:11

TikZ is a package for drawing directly in LaTeX. Veronika Heimsbakk will give an introduction to TikZ at Åpen sone for eksperimentell informatikk, Ole-Johan Dahls hus on Tuesday February 13that 16:15.

The course notes (in Norwegian) can be found here.

Publisert 22. jan. 2018 13:13

The file used in today's lecture is posted on the web page with comments. Your first task is to compile the source code yourself. The document is structured in such a way that you should switch between reading the source code and the compiled PDF.

At the end of the file is a list of useful packages and links to further LaTeX resources.

Publisert 25. des. 2017 14:18

In this course, you are required to write the mandatory assignment and the final project using TeX and friends. For that you need a TeX distribution. We recommend TeX Live, which is suitable for Mac, Windows and Linux. You also need an editor.

You can avoid the installation by using an online editor, such as ShareLaTeX or Overleaf.

LaTeX is available on the computers belonging to the Department of Mathematics.