Semesterside for STK-IN4300 - Høst 2018


Please find here the text of the exam, and here the outline of its solution.

8. jan. 2019 09:03

As part of the final exam, students who are attending STK-IN9300 (PhD candidates) must give a 20-minute presentation during the last lecture (20.11.2018).

There are two possibilities:

- present a case-study, related to your specific research topic, in which the statistical learning methodology has been applied (important: the methodological aspects must have a central role in the presentation);

- present a scientific paper related to one topic of the course (the choice must be approved by me).

Let me know before Tuesday, November 13th (2018) which option you prefer and provide me with a title for your presentation (either by email or during the next lecture).

8. nov. 2018 15:22

The second mandatory assignment has been published, please see here.

25. okt. 2018 19:00