Preparation for Exam 2022 (trial exam and what is allowed)

Dear all,

Here you can find a trial exam the structure of which resembles the structure of the true examination. 

There will be three problems covering three main topics of our course:

  1. Discrete-time Markov chains;
  2. Poisson process;
  3. Continuous-time Markov chains and birth-and-death processes.

Note that we have already covered the material of the first two topics. Topic 3 is being considered during the lectures at the moment.

During the exam, you will be allowed to use an approved calculator as well as List of formulas for STK1100/STK1110. Other material (including the book or your own notes) is NOT allowed.

Good luck with preparations!

Publisert 7. mai 2022 16:59 - Sist endret 7. mai 2022 16:59