Grading finished

The grading is finished, but I'm not quite sure when the grades will be available. Here is at least the distribution:

A: 4

B: 6

C: 12

D: 6

E: 2

F: 1

The exam seems to have worked reasonably well, except that the two hardest problems 2c) and 3e) may have been a little too much in combination. We therefore changed the scale by pretending that the exam consisted of 13 problems instead of 14. This lead to the following scale:

A: 140 – 118

B: 118 – 99

C: 98 – 75

D: 74 – 59

E: 58 – 52

F: 51 – 0 

My main complaint about the exam papers is that many were messy to the extent of being almost unreadable, and that even some of the better ones lacked explanations. I suppose I have to take part of the blame by making an exam that was a little too long.

Wishing you a nice summer


Published June 19, 2024 11:41 AM - Last modified June 19, 2024 11:41 AM