Exams, Part I & Part II

Again: Exam, Part I, is "The Project", placed on this course site Friday December 6, with reports to be handed in Thursday December 19, in duplicate. If you have a good practical reason not to deliver paper versions in person, send me a mail about it, and you'll be allowed to send in your project report by mail as a pdf. Note that you are required to include also Page A and Page B with your report. Page A is the "self-declaration" form you need to fill in (telling us you've worked on your own, that material you may have found is properly listed, etc.); this page is placed on the course site. Page B is your own one-page self-evaluation summary, where you tell us how your work proceeded, which parts you think were more difficult than others, how satisfied you are, etc.

Exam, Part II, is the four-hour written exam, Monday December 9. 9-13, at the Store fysiske lesesal, Fysikkbygningen. This is a "no book" exam, but you should have a simple calculator, and may also use *one page with your own handwritten notes*.

The PhD students taking the stk 9021 version have an extra exercise given in the Exam Project.

Published Dec. 5, 2013 9:06 AM