
Exercises for 5. september

Exercise 1, 2, 3 and 4 from chapter 2 (the last exercise is related to an example we have not been through yet, but try anyway)

Install OpenBUGS on your computer.

For windows/mac: Follow the instructions at http://www.openbugs.info/w.cgi/Downloads directly.

For linux: There is a version of OpenBUGS directly available for linux and there is a procedure for doing this at http://www.openbugs.info/w.cgi/Downloads

This gives you a version of OpenBUGS that works with line-commands, different from what shown in the lecture. In order to get the graphical version, we need to run the windows version using wine. This is a bit complicated. Please respond to geirs@math.uio.no if this procedure works or not!!!

  1. Istall wine from http://www.winehq.org/, then download the file openbugs.tar.gz and unpack it with the command tar zxf openbugs.tar.gz
  2. Move the obtained directory OpenBUGS (which includes a file called OpenBUGS.exe) to an approriate place, e.g. /usr/local/src
  3. Either in /usr/local/bin or ~/bin (if you do not have administration priveliges) download the file openbugs. Edit this file so that you get the right path to the OpenBUGS.exe file

Then you should be able to run the command OpenBUGS

Test the program on the normal-normal example. You then need to download the model_file, the data_file and the init_file. You might also want to try to run OpenBUGS with R, in which case this r-script can be usefull.



Exercises for 29. August

  1. Exercises 1.6, 1.7 and 1.8 in the textbook
  2. Exercise 1 in the "Nils" exercises

We will use approximately the first hour to go through the exercises before starting the lecture

Published Aug. 20, 2013 2:48 PM - Last modified Aug. 29, 2013 2:32 PM