Teaching plan until end of semester

As you probably know, the university is closed. This implies that all teaching and contact happens via internet. Here comes some information about how we will proceed.

  • Sections: I will create sections for each type of material in the menu to the left. Lecture notes, exercises (with some solutions inside the section), assignment, data, etc.
  • Assignment: the assignment must still be handed in on Canvas. Remember the deadline 16th of April at 14:30.
  • Exam: how the examination will be, when and how is still under evaluation. It is not upto us at this point. I will tell you as soon as we are informed about it.


1) Lecture notes: I am working on making lecture notes. This takes time, as I have to adapt the ones I use in the classroom and transfer them into LaTeX. But I plan on uploading some material already today. Please, be patient.

2) Exercises: Same as lecture notes. Since I am typing everything relatively quickly, you may send me e-mails with questions regarding the notes and eventual mistakes or typos.

3) Please, read the notes carefully and try to solve the exercises without checking the solution at first. I am investigating a digital solution for video meetings for answering questions if this situation persists for too long and the demand for it is high.

Finally, keep calm and wash your hands! ;) Good luck with the subject!

Published Mar. 13, 2020 12:50 PM - Last modified Mar. 13, 2020 8:31 PM