Plan for next lecture + invitation from the Norwegian Association of Actuaries

We continue on Friday 13th with some classical premia calculation principles and an exact method to compute the distribution of the claim amount process S (Panjer recursion scheme). We may start Chapter 4 on Ruin Theory. I have also uploaded two new exercise lists, exercise list 1 and exercise list 2. But I may solve some more exercises from the introductory exercise list.

I got an e-mail from the Norsk Aktuarforening:

"Aktuarforeningen arrangerer en samling for unge aktuarer torsdag 26. september, og vil i den anledning også invitere masterstudenter på UiO og UiB som studerer aktuarfag.

Påmelding gjøres på e-post til"

You can download the invitation here.

This may be yet another good opportunity to meet our industrial colleagues!

Published Sep. 10, 2019 3:34 PM - Last modified Mar. 23, 2023 1:02 PM