Semester page for STK4900 - Spring 2009

The oral exam Wednesday 12 August for the deferred/new exam will take place in room B81 at the 8th floor of Niels Henrik Abel's house ("the mathematics building").

Aug. 10, 2009 4:26 PM

The project exam for the deferred/new exam is given here . Instructions on how you should read the data for the exercises into R is given here . (If you use another program than R, you should send an e-mail to to get the data.) The deadline for handing in the solutions is Monday August 10th at 2 pm (if you have not made another agreement with Ørnulf Borgan). Students who handed in a project exam in May, may chose whether they want to keep this or hand in the defferred/new project exam.

July 29, 2009 8:03 PM

The deferred exam for students who due valid reasons were unable to take the ordinary exam, and the new exam for candidates who withdraw from or failed the ordinary exam, will be arranged as follows:

  • A project exam will be made available at the course web-page on August 3rd. The deadline will be August 10th.
  • Thereafter there will be an oral exam (not written) August 12th.

Students who handed in a project exam in May, may chose whether they want to keep this or hand in the new one.

Note that the deadline for registration for the exam is August 2nd; see here for details.

June 24, 2009 5:06 PM