
Published Aug. 16, 2012 5:15 PM

The solution to the project exam should be sent to Ørnulf Borgan by regular mail or email no later than Thursday August 30th at 2 pm.

Note that you are not allowed to collaborate with others on the project exam.

Published June 28, 2012 2:01 PM

A deferred/new exam in STK4900/9900 (project exam and written exam) for students who were ill or absent (for valid reasons) at the ordinary exam and for students who failed the ordinary exam, will be arranged as follows:

  • The written exam will be held August 16th or August 17th.
  • The project exam will be made available at the course web-page August 17th. The deadline will be August 30th.
Note that the deadline for registration for a deferred/new exam is August 5th. See here for details.

Published June 12, 2012 9:04 PM

Solutions to the written exam in STK4900 and ST9900 are given here . The problems are given here for STK4900 and STK9900 .

Published May 15, 2012 11:51 PM

The project exam is given here . The students in STK4900 should do problems 1-3, while the students in STK9900 should do all four problems.

Instructions on how you should read the data for the project exam into R is given here . (If you use another program than R, you should send an email to to get the data.)

The deadline for handing in the solutions is Thursday May 31st at 2.30 pm. Note that you are not allowed to collaborate with others on the project exam.

Published Apr. 18, 2012 7:47 PM

A typo has been corrected for the formula for the chi-square test on slide 9 for lecture 8.

Published Apr. 15, 2012 9:50 PM

Monday to Thursday the exercises classes start at 13.15. Monday and Wednesday the STK9900 students start with the practical exercises, while the STK4900 students start with the theoretical exercises. Then at 14.30 we switch. Tuesday and Thursday we do it the other way around, so that the STK4900 students start with the practical exercises and the STK9900 students start with the theoretical exercises.

The lectures Friday 20 April will be a bit shorter than those for the other days. We will therfore move the exercise classes forward to 12.15. Further we merge the practical and theoretical exercises, so both the STK4900- and STK9900-students meet at the computerlab on Friday.

Published Apr. 13, 2012 6:46 PM

The exam in STK4900/9900 consists of a project exam and a written exam. The written exam takes place 12 June, see here for further information. The project exam will be handed out 16 May. The deadline for handing in the solution of the project exam is 31 May. Note that you are not allowed to collaborate with others on the project exam.

If you want to see how a project exam may look like, you may take a look at the one from last year. It is found under messages on the course page from last year (cf. the message of May 18th).

Published Mar. 12, 2012 10:25 AM

The compulsory assignment is now available The deadline for handing it in is Monday 26, 2:30 pm.

Published Mar. 5, 2012 9:02 AM

The exercises classes start each day at 13.15 (not 12.15). Monday, Wednesday, and Friday the STK4900 students start with the practical exercises, while the STK9900 students start with the theoretical exercises. Then at 14.30 we switch.

Tuesday and Thursday we do it the other way around, so that the STK9900 students start with the practical exercises and the STK4900 students start with the theoretical exercises.

Published Jan. 31, 2012 12:23 PM

As a preparation to the first part of the course, the students are encouraged to recapitulate the main themes of Chapters 6, 7, 10 and 11 in the course book for STK1000; see here for details (or the similar material in another introductory book in statistics).

Published Dec. 16, 2011 11:48 AM

The lectures and exercise classes in STK4900/STK9900 will take place Monday to Friday in weeks 10 og 16 (5-9 March and 16-20 April). In these weeks there will be lectures 9.15-12.00 and exercise classes 13.15-16.00. Information on rooms are given here