# R commands for Section 7.2



# Only the PBC data are considered, not the UNOS data.

# Read the PBC data into a data frame (needs only to be done once if the workspace is saved)

pbc=read.table("http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/matnat/math/STK4900/v11/pbc.txt", sep="\t",header=T,na.strings=".")


# Cox model for treatment and bilirubin (cf Tables 7.4 and 7.5, pages 219 and 220):

library(survival)��� # load survival library

pbc.fit=coxph(Surv(years,status)~rx+bilirubin, data=pbc,method="breslow")

����� # default in R is method="efron" which gives slightly different results when there are tied survival times



# Cox model with histology as a categorical covariate(cf Table 7.6, page 222):

pbc.hist=coxph(Surv(years,status)~factor(histol), data=pbc,method="breslow")



# Cox model with age in one-year units (cf Table 7.9, page 224):

pbc.age=coxph(Surv(years,status)~age, data=pbc,method="breslow")



# Cox model with age in five-year units (cf Table 7.10, page 225):

pbc.age5=coxph(Surv(years,status)~I(age/5), data=pbc,method="breslow")



# Unadjusted Cox model for bilrubin (cf Table 7.11, page 226):

pbc.bil=coxph(Surv(years,status)~bilirubin, data=pbc,method="breslow")



# Adjusted Cox model for bilrubin (cf Table 7.12, page 226):

pbc.biladj=coxph(Surv(years,status)~bilirubin+edema+hepatom+spiders, data=pbc,method="breslow")



# Cox model with interaction (cf Table 7.13, page 227):

pbc.int=coxph(Surv(years,status)~rx+hepatom+rx:hepatom, data=pbc,method="breslow")



# Predicted survival curve for PBC covariate pattern (cf Figure 7.6, page 231):

pbc.bilhept=coxph(Surv(years,status)~bilirubin+hepatom, data=pbc,method="breslow")

plot(survfit(pbc.bilhept, newdata=data.frame(bilirubin=4.5,hepatom=1)),conf.int=F,xlim=c(0,15))




