exam schedule, December 2019

First, the Exam Project will take place for the time window [t_1, t_2], where the exam set will be made available on the course site at t_1 = Wednesday December 4, at noon, and project reports need to be handed in to The System within t_2 = Monday December 16, at 12:59 Blindern time. Details regarding this, whether a pdf needs to be uploaded to a system, or whether Nils rather wishes to have two copies delivered to him, will be made clear a little bit later. 

Second, there will be a 25 minute per candidate oral examination, some candidates on Wednesday December 18, some on Thursday December 19. Again, details will come regarding this a bit later. 

Published Oct. 15, 2019 1:34 PM - Last modified Oct. 15, 2019 1:34 PM