from __future__ import division import sys, os import json import numpy from matplotlib import pyplot from math import pi, atan2, sin, cos def main(inpfile): """ Run the thrusswork program: 1. Read data from the input file 2. Print information about the data 3. Calculate the stress in each rod 4. Plot the results """ # Read data from the input file inpdata = read_input(inpfile) # Print information about the input data # (this can be safely removed) print_info(inpdata) # Calculate stress stresses = calculate_stresses(inpdata) # Plot the results plot_results(inpdata, stresses) def read_input(filename): """ Read the input file. Since we have used an input file format that Python can read with built in functions we have a very easy job here """ with open(filename, 'rt') as f: data = json.load(f) return data def print_info(inpdata): """ Print information about the input data """ # Print info about nodes nodes = inpdata['nodes'] print 'There are %d nodes in the input' % len(nodes) for i, node in enumerate(nodes): x, y = node print ' Node %d at x = %5.2f, y = %5.2f' % (i, x, y) # Print info about rods rods = inpdata['rods'] print 'There are %d rods in the input' % len(rods) for i, rod in enumerate(rods): n1, n2 = rod print ' Rod %d from node %d to node %d' % (i, n1, n2) # Print info about reaction forces reaction_forces = inpdata['reaction_forces'] print 'There are %d reaction forces in the input' % len(reaction_forces) for i, rforce in enumerate(reaction_forces): node, angle = rforce angle_deg = angle/pi*180 print ' Force %d with angle %.2f in node %d' % (i, angle_deg, node) # Print info about loads loads = inpdata['loads'] print 'There are %d loads in the input' % len(loads) for load in loads: node, angle, F = load angle_deg = angle/pi*180 print ' Load with angle %.2f in node %d with magnitude %.2f N' % (angle_deg, node, F) # Print info about constants A = inpdata['A'] print 'Cross section area A = %f' % A def calculate_stresses(inpdata): """ Calculate the stresses in the rods """ nodes = inpdata['nodes'] rods = inpdata['rods'] reaction_forces = inpdata['reaction_forces'] loads = inpdata['loads'] area = inpdata['A'] num_unknowns = len(rods) + len(reaction_forces) num_equations = len(nodes)*2 print 'There are %d unknowns' % num_unknowns print 'There are %d equations' % num_equations if num_unknowns != num_equations: print 'ERROR, cannot solve equation system' exit(1) N = num_equations A = numpy.zeros((N, N), float) b = numpy.zeros(N, float) # Loop over rods and add them to the equation system for i, rod in enumerate(rods): n1, n2 = rod # Get coordinates for the nodes x1, y1 = nodes[n1] x2, y2 = nodes[n2] # Get angles angle_1 = atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1) angle_2 = atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2) print 'Rod %d' % i print ' Enters node %d with angle %.2f' % (n1, angle_1/pi*180) print ' Enters node %d with angle %.2f' % (n2, angle_2/pi*180) # Insert into stiffness matrix for node 1 # ... # Insert into stiffness matrix for node 2 # ... # Loop over reaction forces and add them to the equation system for i, rforce in enumerate(reaction_forces): n1, angle_1 = rforce unit_force_vector1 = [cos(angle_1), sin(angle_1)] print 'Reaction force %d' % i print ' Enters node %d with angle %.2f' % (n1, angle_1/pi*180) print ' Unit force vector: [% .2f, % .2f]' % tuple(unit_force_vector1) # Insert into stiffness matrix for node 1 # ... # Loop over loads and add them to the equation system for load in loads: n1, angle_1, F = load load_vector1 = [F*cos(angle_1), F*sin(angle_1)] print 'Load %d' % i print ' Enters node %d with angle %.2f' % (n1, angle_1/pi*180) print ' Load vector: [% .2f, % .2f]' % tuple(load_vector1) # Insert into right hand side vector # ... # Print equation system if N < 10: print 'A:' for row in A: for v in row: print '% .2f' % v, print print 'b:' for v in b: print '% .2f' % v, print print 'Condition number:', numpy.linalg.cond(A) # Solve the equation system if abs(A).max() > 0: forces = numpy.linalg.solve(A, b) else: print 'There is nothing in the A matrix' forces = numpy.zeros_like(b) # Calculate stresses stresses = forces / area print 'Stress range: min = %.2f, max = %.2f:' % (stresses.min(), stresses.max()) return stresses def plot_results(inpdata, stresses): """ Use matplotlib to plot the results """ nodes = inpdata['nodes'] rods = inpdata['rods'] reaction_forces = inpdata['reaction_forces'] A = inpdata['A'] # Get a color map to get plot colors for the rods color_map = pyplot.get_cmap('jet') max_stress = max(abs(stresses.max()), abs(stresses.min())) for i, rod in enumerate(rods): n1, n2 = rod # Get coordinates for the nodes x1, y1 = nodes[n1] x2, y2 = nodes[n2] # Get the stress in the rod stress = stresses[i] # Normalize to 0..1 range with 0 stress at 0.5 normalized = (stress + max_stress)/(2*max_stress) # Get a color color = color_map(normalized) # Plot the rod pyplot.plot([x1, x2], [y1, y2], color=color, linewidth=5) #print 'Rod %d has stress % .2f' % (i, stress) # Print reaction forces for i, rforce in enumerate(reaction_forces): print 'Reaction force %d is % .2f N' % (i, stresses[i+len(rods)]*A) pyplot.xlim(-0.1, 1.1) pyplot.ylim(-0.1, 1.1) # Run the main() function if we are called on the command line if __name__ == '__main__': # Check if the user has given a command line argument or not if len(sys.argv) != 2: print 'ERROR, you must specify an input file' exit(1) # Get the name of the input file input_file_name = sys.argv[1] if not os.path.isfile(input_file_name): print 'ERROR, the file "%r" does not exist' % input_file_name # Run the program main(input_file_name)