% Script for Assignment 1, MEK4540 Autumn 2009 % Brian Hayman 2009 % % The material properties and laminate lay-ups must be replaced with the correct data. % clear all; % Sets all variables to zero % Material data EL=40000; ET=7700; vLT=0.25; GLT=2800; t=0.5; R=[45 0 -45]*3.14159/180; % ply angles in radians; alternative is R=[45 0 -45]*rad; h=[-1.5*t -0.5*t 0.5*t 1.5*t]; % z-coordinates for top and bottom surfaces of plies as defined in AB&C Fig. 6-5 % Compliance (S-matrix) S(1,1)=1/EL; S(2,2)=1/ET; S(1,2)=-vLT/EL; S(3,3)=1/GLT; S(2,1)=S(1,2); % Stiffness (Q-matrix) Q=inv(S); Q(3,3)=2*Q(3,3); % convert from engineering to tensor shear strains A(1:3,1:3)=0; B(1:3,1:3)=0; D(1:3,1:3)=0; for i=1:length(R) % Calculate T and Q for each ply 'k'. Assemble A, B and D % Transformation matrix (T-matrix) T(1,1)=cos(R(i))^2; T(2,2)=cos(R(i))^2; T(1,2)=sin(R(i))^2; T(2,1)=sin(R(i))^2; T(3,1)=-sin(R(i))*cos(R(i)); T(3,2)=sin(R(i))*cos(R(i)); T(1,3)=2*sin(R(i))*cos(R(i)); T(2,3)=-2*sin(R(i))*cos(R(i)); T(3,3)=cos(R(i))^2-sin(R(i))^2; Qk(:,:,i)=inv(T)*Q*T; % Stiffness matrix for tensor strains, following rotation Qk(:,3,i)=Qk(:,3,i)/2; % Convert back to engineering shear strains A=A+Qk(:,:,i)*(h(i+1)-h(i)); % Calculate A-matrix B=B+.5*Qk(:,:,i)*(h(i+1)^2-h(i)^2); % Calculate B-matrix D=D+1/3*Qk(:,:,i)*(h(i+1)^3-h(i)^3); % Calculate D-matrix end A B D % Assemble total stiffness matrix for the laminate % This gives the relation between stresses and strains with engineering shear strains Qtot=[[A B];[B D]] % Places contributions A,B,D with [B D] in rows below [A B]