
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
22.01.2009Kristian Collin Berge, Truls Erikson  Room 9, Forskningsparken  Introduction 1215-1600  Team organization, confidentiality agreement,lecture (Jolly 1) discussion 
29.01.2009Kristian Collin Berge, Birkeland Innovation  Room 2, Forskningsparken  Technology transfer 1215-1600  Technology transfer in practice, Lecture (Jolly 2-3), discussion 
05.02.2009Birkeland, Medinnova, Morten Landsgård (Leogriff)  Room 9, Forskningsparken  IPR and regulatory issues 1215-1600  Patent analysis, regulatory issues 
12.02.2009GIBBS, Birkeland, Medinnova  Room 9, Forskningsparken  Idea evaluation 1 1215-1600  Idea evaluation reports Presentation Case I 
19.02.2009Kristian Collin Berge  Room 9, Forskningsparken  Group Tutorial 1215-1600   
26.02.2009Students, Birkeland, Medinnova  Room 9, Forskningsparken  Idea evaluation 2  Results of idea evaluation II

Presentation Case II 

05.03.2009Kristian Collin Berge  Room 9, Forskningsparken  Group tutorial 1215-1600   
12.03.2009Students, Birkeland, Medinnova  Room 9, Forskningsparken  Idea evaluation 3  Results of idea evaluation II

Presentation case III 

19.03.2009Kristian Collin Berge  Room 9, Forskningsparken  Group tutorial 1215-1600   
26.03.2009Students, Kristian Collin Berge  Room 9, Forskningsparken  Final evaluations  Results of idea evaluation III

Preparation for internship (ENT4220) 

Published Jan. 29, 2009 3:38 PM - Last modified Jan. 29, 2009 5:45 PM