
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
04.01.2010IWE - Ivar Wergeland  UMB- The lectures takes place in Room MU 67, Dairy Building, Building no. 45 see map in Fronter. The entrance to the building is where No 44 is marked on the map. The train leaves from Oslo S at 07.48 and arrives in Ås 08.15. The lecture starts at 09.15. There is a 20 minutes walk from the station to UMB, there is also a bus. Some of our students also take this train and I will ask Helene Lie and Synne Qvenild to help your students to find the right place. Group work and negociations will take place in the tower building (no 5).     09.15-10.00: The aim of the course. Overview of the course: Periode I and periode II 10.15-12.00: Why IPR?

An invention -what is it?

What is a patent/a patent application?

Novelty and inventiveness

Trademark, design, know how, copyright, business secrets  

05.01.2010IWE & PHM (Peter Horn Møller)  UMB    0915-1200 Processing a patent:


-Time frame

-Filing strategy and market focus  

06.01.2010AA (Arne Alnæs)  UMB    0915-1200: Trademarks and branding,

Design as a marketing tool,

Copyright, Protection against unfair marketing (Mfl)  

07.01.2010IWE  UMB    Effect of a patent

R&D, Innovation and time to market

“Freedom to operate”

The patent and trademark system; innovation risk management

How to use the patent directory to detect partners, players and competitors  

08.01.2010AA  UMB    0915-1200 Licensing agreements:a commercialisation tool

-“Knowledge is power”

-Use of Confidentiality/Non Disclosure Agreements

-Choosing the right Partner

-Drafting Agreement as a dynamic element

-Win-win principle

-Royalty terms, other important clauses  

15.01.2010AA  UMB    0915-0930 -The aim of Period 2.

-Agreements and business, basic contract law

-The Art of negotiation AA In plenum

Introduction to a case (material to be delivered ).  

18.01.2010AA  UMB    0915-1030: Preparation for the negotiation In plenum

The different roles: University vs Company.

Brief discussion of the tasks and the roles

1030-1200: Setting up the negotiating teams Deciding the aim of the negotiation What team member to take the different roles? 

19.01.2010  UMB    0915-1600: The teams are preparing for the negotiation the next day. The instructors (AA and IW) will be available from 1200. Contact them as you like.  
20.01.2010AA & IWE  UMB    0845-0915: Warm up: In the team

-Brief review of the lecture of 15th January: ‘How to negotiate’.

-What is the aim of the negotiation?

-Specific matters to be decided

0915-1300: Presentations of the companies’/universities’ teams for the In negotiation other parties, presentation of every individual (hint: keep a name tag visible at all time), organise the formulation of a memorandum/Report, organise breaks and lunch etc Negotiation session.

1300-1400: The memorandum/report. Formalise the negotiation result/agreement

1400: Signing the agreement

1400-1500: Formalise the final report/agreement. Deadline: 1500 on paper to Arne Alnæs.  

21.01.2010AA  UMB    1015-1200 Wrap up: Each team/member to comment on: In Plenum

Lessons learned

•What could have been done differently?

•Topics in time squeeze?

•Certain topics over focused?  

27.01.2010Eline Synneva Lorentzen Ingstad     COURSE INFORMATION  1130-1200 COURSE INFORMATION 
27.01.2010Birkeland Innovasjon  Seminarrom C319 Vilhelm Bjerknes hus    1215-1400 Lecture on commercializing new technology and evaluating new ideas

1415-1600 Individual work 

28.01.2010Medinnova  C319 VB    1215-1400 Lecture on commercializing new technology and evaluating new ideas

1415-1600 Individual work 

29.01.2010Statkraft ASA  C319 VB    1215-1400 Lecture on commercializing new technology and evaluating new ideas.


03.02.2010  C319VB  First round of idea evaluations starts  1215-1400 Birkeland presents 2 ideas for evaluation

Students are put into groups of 2-3 people. The groups are assigned one of the two ideas and they start working on the evaluation with a tutor present to answer questions.

1415-1600 Group work 

10.02.2010Kristian Collin Berge (KCB)  C319 VB  Group work with tutor present  1215-1400 Group work with tutor present

Groups hand in what they have done so far by 0800 that morning, so the tutor has a chance to look it over before class.

1415-1600 Group work 

22.02.2010KCB  C319 VB  Group work with tutor present  1215-1400 Group work with tutor present

Groups hand in what they have done so far by 0800 that morning, so the tutor has a chance to look it over before class.

1415-1600 Group work

<NB! Monday> 



24.02.2010  C319 VB  Second round of idea evaluations starts  Birkeland presents 2 new ideas for evaluation

Students are put into new groups of 2-3 people. The groups are assigned one of the two ideas and they start working on the evaluation with a tutor present to answer questions. 

03.03.2010  C319 VB  Group work with tutor present  Groups hand in what they have done so far by 0800 that morning, so the tutor has a chance to look it over before class.  
10.03.2010  C319 VB  Group work with tutor present  Groups hand in what they have done so far by 0800 that morning, so the tutor has a chance to look it over before class.  




Published Dec. 10, 2009 5:04 PM - Last modified Dec. 11, 2009 3:28 PM