Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
16.02.2006Skjerstad  SFE, 12.15-16.00  Marketing plan/competitive set  Introduction to case assignments Read: Lehmann/Winer chs. 1-2 
02.03.2006Skjerstad  SFE, 12.15-16.00  Industry/competitor analysis  Read: Lehmann/Winer chs. 3-4 
16.03.2006Skjerstad  SFE, 12.15-16.00  Customer/sales analysis  Read: Lehmann/Winer chs. 5-6 
30.03.2006Skjerstad  SFE, 12.15-16.00  The marketing plan/product strategy  Read: Lehmann/Winer chs. 7 
04.05.2006  SFE, kl 12.00  Hand-in of case assignments  No teaching 
11.05.2006Skjerstad & Hellström  SFE, 12.15-16.00  Case presentations   
Published Dec. 13, 2005 12:08 PM - Last modified Feb. 8, 2006 11:32 AM