Syllabus/achievement requirements


Smith, Peter C. (2007), Formula Funding of Public Services. London & New York: Routledge. Chapters 1-6.


Online articles

Barry, Colleen L., Jonathan P. Weiner, Klaus Lemke, and Susan H. Busch (2012). Risk Adjustment in Health Insurance Exchanges for Individuals With Mental Illness. Am J Psychiatry, 169(7): 704-709. ttps://

Carr-Hill, Roy A., James Q Jamison, Dermot O'Reilly, Michael R Stevenson, James Reid, Barry Merriman (2002). Risk adjustment for hospital use using social security data: cross sectional small area analysis. BMJ, Vol. 324: 1-4.

Gravelle, Hugh, Matthew Sutton, Stephen Morris, Frank Windmeijer, Alastair Leyland, Chris Dibben & Mike Muirhead (2003), “Modelling supply and demand influences on the use of health care”. Health Economics, 12:985–1004.

Rice, Nigel & Peter C. Smith (2001), “Capitation and risk adjustment in health care financing”. Milbank Quarterly, 79:81–113.

van de Ven, Wyn and P. M. M., Richard C. van Kleef, and Rene C. J. A. van Vliet (2015). Risk Selection Threatens Quality Of Care For Certain Patients: Lessons From Europe’s Health Insurance Exchanges. Health Affairs 34, NO. 10 (2015): 1713–1720


Other relevant readings - in Norwegian - not formal parts of the curriculum:

NOU 2008:2. "Fordeling av inntekter mellom regionale helseforetak."

Carlsen, Fredrik, Jan Erik Askildsen, Tor Helge Holmås and Oddvar Kaarbøe (2014). "Fordeling av midler til kommunal medfinansiering av spesialisthelsetjenestene." Samfunnsøkonomen 9: 39-50.

Hagen, Terje P. (2009). Modeller for kommunal medfinansiering av spesialisthelsetjenestene. HERO Working paper 2009:6. Oslo: Helseøkonomisk forskningsprogram, Universitetet i Oslo.



*Handouts will cover both theoretical and empirical parts with a specific emphasis on the "hands on"- analyses of data.

Published May 18, 2018 2:51 PM - Last modified May 18, 2018 2:51 PM