
Required reading:

Francis, R. (2013) Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry Executive Summary. London: The Stationery Office.

Hartley J and Benington J (2011) Recent trends in leadership Thinking and action in the public and voluntary service sectors. London: King’s Fund.

Goodall, A., Bastiampillai, T., Nance, M., Roeger, L. and Allison, S. (2015) Expert Leadership: Doctors versus managers for the executive leadership of Australian mental health. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 49, 409-411.

Kalvemark S., Hoglund A T. ,Hanssona  MG, Westerholmb  P  and  Arnetza.B  (2003) Living with conflicts-ethical dilemmas and moral distress in the health care system. Social Science & Medicine 58, 1075–1084.

Martin, G., Beech, N., MacIntosh, R. and Bushfield, S. (2015) Potential challenges facing distributed leadership in health care: evidence from the UK National Health Service. Sociology of Health & Illness, 37, 14-29.

Sahlsten, M., Larsson, I., Sjostrom, B. and Plos, K. (2008) An Analysis of the Concept of Patient Participation. Nursing Forum, 48, 2-11.

Rao, S., Carballo, V., Cummings, B., Millham, F. and Jacobson, J. (2017) Developing an interdisciplinary, Team-based Quality Improvement Leadership Training Program for Clinicians: The Partners Clinical Process Improvement Leadership Program. American Journal of Medical Quaity, 32, 271-277.

Senge P, Hamilton H, Kania J (2015). ‘The dawn of system leadership’. Stanford Social Innovation Review, Winter. Available at:   (accessed on 24 November 2017).

Timmins, N. (2015) The Practice of System Leadership Being comfortable with chaos. London: Kings Fund.

Uhl-Bien M Marion R (2009) Complexity Leadership in Bureaucratic Forms of Organizing: A Meso Model. Management Dep. Faculty Publication available at:


Compulsory activity before the start of the course (preparatory work):

Prior to attending, please read The Norwegian Government's Plan for the care services field for 2015-2020 available at


This document will form the basis of understanding Health Care Policy in Norway. (If Norway is not your home country, you may find it useful to look for a similar document for your own country). We will use the document throughout the course, so it is important that you have read it and thought about the following questions prior to attending:

Who are the two main players in the Healthcare plan?

What are the three main areas which receive special attention?

What are the implications of this plan for: Patients, where new hospitals are located and built, quality improvements, digital resources.


Come to the course prepared to discuss these issues and how they are likely to impact on the skills you will require as a healthcare professional.



Published Nov. 9, 2018 1:19 PM - Last modified Nov. 26, 2018 11:52 AM