Syllabus/achievement requirements

Molven, O. and Julia Ferkis (eds.) Healthcare, welfare and Law. Oslo Gyldendal Akademisk. Chapters 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12.

V. Lowe, International law, Clarendon Law Review, Oxford University Press 2007, pp. 5-11; 34-35; 100-100

M.D. Evans, International Law, 3rd ed., Oxford University Press, 2010, pp.: 172-184

Thomas Buergenthal, The Contemporary Significance of International Human Rights Law, Leiden J International Law (2009), pp 217-223

M. Bagaric and P. Dimopoulos, International human rights law: All show, no go, Int J of Human Rights (4) 2005, p. 3-9

A. den Exter (ed.), International Trade Law and Health Care. In search of Good Sense, : Introduction (Den Exter), chapter 1 (R. Labonte), and chapter 3 (V. Muzaka)

R.J. Van den Bergh and P.D.N. Camesasca, European Competition Law and Economics. A Comparative Perspective London, Sweet&maxwell, Cisal case (Case C-218/00 Cisal. [2002] ECR I-691

Fenin Case T-319/99, FENIN [2003] ECR II-357)

Case C-280/00 Altmark Trans [2004] I-7747

AOK case Joined cases C-263/01, C-306/01, C-354/01 and C-355/01 AOK Bundesverband, ECJ, 16 March 2004

T. Stoltzfus Jost, D. Dawson, A.P. den Exter. The Role of Competition in Health Care: A Western European Perspective. J. Health Politics, Policy and Law 2006; no. 3, 687-703

B. Karl. The influence of European competition law on health insurance systems. In: Competitive social health insurance. Yearbook 2004. A.P. den Exter (ed), Erasmus University Press 2005 (p. 52-62) (ask the lecturer for pdfs)

European Commission. State Aid N 46/2003 Ireland. Risk equalisation scheme in the Irish health insurance market. C(2003) 1322 final, Brussels 13 May 2003 (ask the lecturer for pdfs)

Enthoven, A. (1993), The history and principles of managed competition, Affairs 12(suppl): 24-48.

Van de Ven, W. and F.T. Schut (2009), Managed competition in the Netherlands: Still work-in-progress, Health Economics 18:253-255.

Schut, F.T. and W. van de Ven (2011), Effects of purchaser competition in the Dutch health system: is the glass half full or half empty?, Health Economics, Policy and Law (2011), 6, 109-123

Bundesverband, ECJ, 16 March 2004

Case C-475/99 Amb. Glockner ECR [2001] I-5751

F. Paolucci, A. den Exter, W. van de Ven, ‘Solidarity in competitive health insurance markets: analizing the relevant EC legal framework’, Health Economics, Policy and Law, 1 (2006), 107-126

W. van de Ven, K Beck, F. Bucher et al. Risk adjustment and risk selection on the sickness fund Insurance market in five European countries. Health Policy, 65(2003), 75-98

J. Armstrong, Risk Equalisation in Ireland, Paper Present to European Health Economics Conference, July 2006 (a copy will be available later)

OECD, Working Paper Series, No. 10 - Private Health Insurance in Ireland: A Case Study, February 2004, Francesca Colombo and Nicole Tapay B. Nolan, The Interaction of Public and Private Health Insurance: Ireland as a Case Study, Geneva Paper on Risk and Insurance, October 2006

Published May 22, 2012 2:30 PM - Last modified June 4, 2012 5:54 PM