Syllabus/achievement requirements

I Kompendium

Blank, R. H. & V. Burau (2007a). Comparative health policy (second edition). New York: Palgrave MacMillan. (ch. 1-2, 4) KOMPENDIUM 99 s

Freeman, R. (2000). The politics of health in Europe. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press. (ch. 1) KOMPENDIUM 13 s

Le Grand, J. (2003). Motivation, agency, and public policy. Of knights & knaves, pawns & queens. Oxford: Oxford University Press (ch. 2 & 3) KOMPENDIUM 26 s

Martinussen, P. E. & J. Magnussen (2009). Health reform: the Nordic experience, in J. Magnussen, K. Vrangbæk & R. B. Saltman (eds.), Nordic health reforms. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe (forthcoming). KOMPENDIUM 62 s

McCubbins, M. D. & T. Schwartz (1984). Congressional oversight overlooked: police patrols versus fire alarms, American Journal of Political Science 28: 165-79. KOMPENDIUM 14 s

Vrangbæk, K. (2009). The political process of restructuring Nordic health systems. in J. Magnussen, K. Vrangbæk & R. B. Saltman (eds.), Nordic health reforms. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe (forthcoming). KOMPENDIUM 31 s

Nedlastbare artikkler

Hsiao, W. (2003). What is a health care system? Why should we care? Unpublished report. Cambridge, MA: Program in health care financing, Harvard School of Public Health. ( 33 s

Maynard, A. (2005). European health policy challenges, Health Economics 14: 255-63. ( 9 s

Mossialos, E. & A. Dixon (2002). Funding health care: and introduction, in E. Mossialos, A. Dixon, J. Figueras & J. Kutzin (eds.), Funding health care: options for Europe. Buckingham: Open University Press. ( 30 s

Mossialos, E. & A. Dixon (2002). Funding health care in Europe: weighing up the options, in E. Mossialos, A. Dixon, J. Figueras & J. Kutzin (eds.), Funding health care: options for Europe. Buckingham: Open University Press. ( 29 s

Oliver, A. & E. Mossialos (2005). European health systems reforms: looking backward to see forward?, Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 30: 7-28. ( 21 s

Rechel, B., C.-A. Dubois & M. McKee (2006). Introduction: critical challenges facing the health care workforce in Europe, in B. Rechel, C.-A. Dubois & M. McKee (eds.), The healthcare workforce in Europe. Learning from experience. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe. ( 18 s

Saltman, R. B. (1997). Convergence versus social embeddedness. Debating the future direction of health care systems, European Journal of Public Health 7: 449-53. ( 5 s

Saltman, R. B. (2002). Regulating incentives: the past and present role of the state in health care systems, Social Science & Medicine 54: 1677-84. ( 7 s

Saltman, R. B. (2008). Decentralization, re-cemtralization and future European health policy, European Journal of Public Health 18: 104-6. ( 2 s

Saltman, R. B. & V. Bankauskaite (2006). Conceptualizing decentralisation in European health systems: a functional perspective, Health Economics, Policy and Law 1: 127-47. ( 20 s

Vallgårda, S. (2007). Public health policies: a Scandinavian model?, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 35: 205-11 ( 6

Published Oct. 30, 2008 8:43 AM - Last modified Feb. 9, 2009 10:53 AM