Syllabus/achievement requirements


Burns, Bradley &Weiner. Shortell and Kaluzny’s Health Care Management Organization Design & Behavior. 6th edition. 2012. Delmar CENGAGE Learning. All chapters except 9 and 11-15. 305 pages. [HCM]

Scott, W. Richard and Gerald F Davis (2007) Organizations and Organizing: Rational, Natural and Open Systems Perspectives. Pearson 400 Ch. 1-6 and 10-12. 350 pages [OaO]

Mintzberg, Henry: Professional bureaucracy in Structure in Fives: Designing Effective Organizations. Prentice Hall, 1983. Ch. 1,2 and 9,10,11 105 pages [SiF]

Internet articles

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Karstoft, J. and L. Tarp 2011. 'Is Lean Management implementable in a department of radiology?', Insights Imaging Springer. Online [LEAN]

Richard S. Irwin and Naomi D. Richardson. Patient-Focused Care: Using the Right Tools. CHEST July 2006 vol. 130 no. 1 suppl 73S-82S. Online [PFC]

Edmonstone, John : Clinical leadership: the elephant in the room Int J Health Plann Mgmt 2009; 24: 290–305. Online [CL]

Kjekshus, Lars Erik: Changing demands for institutional management, In Magnussen, Jon, Karsten Vrangbæk and Richard B. Saltmann (eds) Nordic Health Care Systems 2009. Open University Press. 20 pages. Online [CDI]

Jespersen, P.K. and Sirpa Wrede: The changing autonomy of the Nordic medical professions, In Magnussen, Jon, Karsten Vrangbæk and Richard B. Saltmann (eds) Nordic Health Care Systems., 2009. Open University Press. 29 pages. Online [CANM]

Krasnik og Paulsen: "Reforming primary health care" In Magnussen, Vrangbæk and Saltman (ed.) "Nordic Health Care Systems". Open University Press (2009). Online [RPH]

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Kjekshus, Lars Erik & Hagen, Terje P. (2007). Do hospital mergers increase hospital efficiency? Evidence from a National Health Service country. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy. ISSN 1355-8196. 12(4), s 230- 235. Online [MERGER]

Kjekshus, Lars Erik and Terje P. Hagen: "Ring fencing" of elective surgery: Does it affect hospital efficiency, Health Service Management Research; 18: 186-197, 2005. Online [RING FENCING]


Lathrop, J.Philip: Restructuring Health Care. Patient-Focused Paradigm, 1993, John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Introduction and Ch. 1 and 3. 43 pages.


Gray, A. Harrison, S. (2004) Governing Medicine: Theory and Practice. Open University Press

Selznick, Philip “Leadership in administration: a sociological interpretation” 1957

Taylor, Frederick Winslow (1998) “The principles of scientific management” Dover Publ. N.Y. (first published in 1911 by Harper & Bros.) 76 pages.

Van Vliet, E., E. Bredenhoff, W. Sermeus, Kop L.M., J. C. A. Sol, and Harten 2010. 'Exploring the relation between process design and efficiency in high-volume cataract pathways from a lean thinking perspective, ', International Journal for Quality in Health Care Advance Access pp. 1-11. online

R.A. Atun: Doctors and managers need to speak a common language, BMJ 326 (2003), pp. 655–656. Online

Aasland Olaf Gjerløw : The physician role in transition: is Hippocrates sick? Social Science & Medicine Volume 52, Issue 2, January 2001, Pages 171-173.

Scally and L.J. Donaldson: Clinical governance and the drive for quality improvement in the New NHS in England, BMJ 317 (1998), pp. 61–65. Online

Published Oct. 24, 2012 11:25 AM - Last modified Oct. 24, 2012 1:45 PM