Teaching plan

Date Teacher Place Topic Lecture notes / comments
17.01.2013 Lars Erik Kjekshus  08:15-11:00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus   1. Introduction. A short introduction to the Norwegian Health Care System   CDI and RPH 
31.01.2013 Lars Erik Kjekshus   08:15-11:00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus   2. Theories of management and organization.   HCM ch 1-2, OaO ch 1-6 CiF  
07.02.2012 Lars Erik Kjekshus/Student presentation  08:15-11:00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus   3. Managerial role – communication, motivating and leading  HCM ch 4, 6 and 7  

21.02.2013: Deadline for submitting essay in Fronter before 11:00p.m.

Date Teacher Place Topic Lecture notes / comments
28.02.2013 Lars Erik Kjekshus   08:15-11:00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus   4. Clinical Leadership   SiF, CL and CANM  
07.03.2013 Lars Erik Kjekshus/Student presentation  08:15-11:00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus   5. Team effectiveness and organization design.   HCM ch 3, 5 and 9 Ring Fencing  
14.03.2013 Lars Erik Kjekshus  08:15-11:00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus   6. Managing change   HCM ch 8 CDI  

21.03.2013: Deadline for submitting essay in Fronter before 11:00p.m.

Date Teacher Place Topic Lecture notes / comments
04.04.2013 Lars Erik Kjekshus/Student presentation  08:15-11:00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus   7. Patient Focused Care   PFC (Lathrop) LEAN  
11.04.2013 Lars Erik Kjekshus  08:15-11:00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus   8. Strategic thinking   HCM ch 10-15 OaO ch 10-12  
18.04.2013 Lars Erik Kjekshus  08:15-11:00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus   9. Charting the future - the case of collaboration between Ullevål-Rikshospitalet   HCM ch 10  

21.04.2013: Deadline for submitting essay in Fronter before 11:00p.m.

Date Teacher Place Topic Lecture notes / comments
25.04.2013 Lars Erik Kjekshus  08:15-11:00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus   10. Hospital Mergers   MERGER (Kjekshus & Hagen 2007) Choi 2010  
16.05.2013 Lars Erik Kjekshus  08:15-11:00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjelderups hus   11. Summarizing the course    
29.05.2013       Exam 
Published Oct. 24, 2012 11:25 AM - Last modified Dec. 11, 2012 9:15 AM