
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
28.09.2010Geir Godager / Sverre Kittelsen  10.15-12.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjeldrups Hus  Introduction: The use of demand and cost analysis in health care and other parts of the public sector. Basic concepts   Smith (ch. 1), Jacobs et al. (ch. 1), Propper et al. (2006)  
01.10.2010Geir Godager  10.15 -12.00, Seminarrom 3, Harald Schjeldrups Hus  Theoretical foundation of need analyses – the demand model   Smith (ch2,3,4) and Stiglitz and Walsh (ch. 2&5) 
05.10.2010Geir Godager  10.15-12.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjeldrups Hus  Formula funding. Empirical methods:  Smith (ch. 5)  
05.10.2010Geir Godager  12.15-14.00, PC-stue V01-02, Harald Schjeldrups Hus  Empirical methods: Individual data vs. small area data. Supply side influence.   Exercise 
08.10.2010Geir Godager  10.15 -12.00, Seminarrom 3, Harald Schjeldrups Hus    Gravelle et al 
12.10.2010Geir Godager  10.15-12.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjeldrups Hus  Empirical methods.  Smith (ch. 6, 7, 8)


12.10.2010Geir Godager  12.15-14.00, PC-stue V01-02, Harald Schjeldrups Hus    Exercise 
15.10.2010Geir Godager  10.15 -12.00, Seminarrom 3, Harald Schjeldrups Hus  From analyses and estimates to formula funding.  Lecture 
19.10.2010Geir Godager  12.15-14.00, PC-stue V01-02, Harald Schjeldrups Hus    Exercise 
22.10.2010Sverre A. C. Kittelsen  10.15 -12.00, Seminarrom 3, Harald Schjeldrups Hus  Production theory. Cost functions. Efficiency and productivity concepts.  Stiglitz and Walsh (ch. 6&7) Coelli et al. (ch. 2), Jacobs et al. (ch. 2)


26.10.2010Sverre A. C. Kittelsen  10.15-12.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjeldrups Hus  Regression analysis. Stochastic frontier analysis (SFA)   Jacobs et al. (ch. 3 and 4) 
26.10.2010Sverre A. C. Kittelsen  12.15-14.00, PC-stue V01-02, Harald Schjeldrups Hus    Exercise 
29.10.2010Sverre A. C. Kittelsen  10.15-12.00, Auditorium 1, Harald Schjeldrups Hus  Regression and SFA analysis of hospital data   Jacobs et al. (ch. 3 and 4)


29.10.2010    Hand Out  Term Paper 
02.11.2010Sverre A. C. Kittelsen  10.15-12.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjeldrups Hus  Data envelopment analysis (DEA). Malmquist productivity index  Jacobs et al. (ch. 5, 6 and 7) 
02.11.2010Sverre A. C. Kittelsen  12.15-14.00, PC-stue V01-02, Harald Schjeldrups Hus    Exercise 
05.11.2010Sverre A. C. Kittelsen  10.15 -12.00, Seminarrom 3, Harald Schjeldrups Hus  DEA and Malmquist analysis of hospital data.   Jacobs et al. (ch. 5, 6 and 7) 
09.11.2010Geir Godager & Sverre A. C. Kittelsen  10.15-12.00, Seminarrom 1, Harald Schjeldrups Hus  State of the art: Resolved and unresolved issues in need and cost analyses.   Jacobs et al. (ch. 8, 9 and 10), Smith (ch. 9)  
12.11.2010Sverre A. C. Kittelsen  12.15-14.00, PC-stue V01-02, Harald Schjeldrups Hus    Exercise 
17.11.2010Sverre A.C. Kittelsen  12.15-14.00, PC-stue V01-02, Harald Schjeldrups Hus   T.B.A.  Exercise 
26.11.2010  Before 12.00, Fronter  Hand In  Term Paper 
01.12.2010  09:00 - 13:00    Eksamen 
Published May 21, 2010 12:00 PM - Last modified Oct. 7, 2010 10:58 AM