Teaching plan

Date Teacher Place Topic Lecture notes / comments
11.02.2013 Geir Joner/ Geir Sverre Braut  9.00-14.00, Forskningsveien 2B    Geir Joner:

09:15-10:00 Information Introduction and Overview.

10:15-11:30 What is Quality and is it possible to measure quality?


Dep. Director General Geir Sverre Braut, Norwegian Board of Health Supervision Supervision of Quality by Health Authorities  

12.02.2013 Geir Joner  9.00-15.00, Forskningsveien 2B    09:15-11:30:

Anders Baalsrud, Chief of patient safety staff, Oslo university hospital Quality implementation in hospitals Patient safety in everyday practice


Senior Researcher Ellen Deilkås, Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Serrvices Patient Safety Culture + In Safe Hands - the Norwegian patient safety campaign 2011 - 2013




13.02.2013 Geir Joner  9.00-15.00, Forskningsveien 2B    09:15-11:30:

Research Director Øyvind A. Bjertnes, Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services Client satisfaction and Measuring Client Ouality


Ole Tjomsland, Director of Quality and Specialist Areas South East Regional Health Trust. Quality and patient safety in a regional Healthtrust with focous on leadership.




14.02.2013 Geir Joner  9.00-15.00, Forskningsveien 2B     09:15-10:30:

Professor Geir Joner, HELSAM/HELED

Health Registers

Quality Indicators


Director Torild Skrivarhaug, MD

The Norwegian Childhood Diabetes Registry

How may a register improve quality?


Group work  

15.02.2013 Geir Joner  9.00-15.00, Forskningsveien 2B    09:15-10:15:



Summary of the course, evaluation


Self study  

08.03.2013       Exam 
Published Oct. 24, 2012 11:28 AM - Last modified Feb. 11, 2013 11:30 AM