
Komparativ helsepolitikk:

Blank R.H. and V. Burau (2010): “Comparative Health Policy: An Introduction.” Chapter 1 in Blank R.H. and V. Burau (2010): Comparative Health Policy, 3rd edition. New York: Palgrave McMillan. (30 sider)


Marmor T. and C. Wendt (2012): “Conceptual frameworks for comparing healthcare politics and policy.” Health Policy 107: 11-20 (9 sider)


Smith, Richard D. and Kara Hanson Gilson (2010): “What is a health system?” Chapter 1 in Smith, Richard D. and Kara Hanson Gilson (eds.): Health Systems in Low and Middle Income Countries. An Economic and Policy Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (16 sider)


Smith, Richard D. and Kara Hanson Gilson (2010): “Health Systems and Institutions.”  Chapter 2 in Smith, Richard D. and Kara Hanson Gilson (eds.): Health Systems in Low and Middle Income Countries. An Economic and Policy Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (24 sider)


Toth F. (2010): Healthcare policies over the last 20 years: reforms and counter-reforms. Health Policy 95: 82-89 (7 sider)


EU og EØS:


Baeten, Rita. 2014. Cross-border patient mobility in the European Union: in search of benefits from the new legal framework. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy 19(4): 195-197 (2 sider).


Global Health Law: A Definition and Grand Challenges Lawrence O. Gostin & Allyn L. Taylor Public Health Ethics, Volume 1, Issue 1, 1 April 2008, Pages 53–63.


Greer, S., T. Hervey, J.P. Mackenbach and M. McKee (2013): “Health law and policy in the European Union”. The Lancet 381(9872): 1135-44. (9 sider)


Greer, S.L. (2013): “Avoiding another directive: the unstable politics of European Union cross-border health care law”. Health Economics and Law 8(4):415-21. (6 sider)


Forskrift til stønad om stønad til helsetjenester mottatt i et annet EØS-land (siste endring 01.01.15). Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet.


Mossialos, E.; G. Permanand; R. Baeten; T.K. Hervey (2010): “Health Systems Governance in Europe: The role of European Union Law and Policy.” Chapter 1 in Mossialos, E. et al. (eds) (2010): Health Systems Governance in Europe: The role of European Union Law and Policy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Available online at: (83 sider)


Publisert 23. mai 2018 15:57 - Sist endret 23. mai 2018 15:58