

Å kunne redegjøre for egen forståelse av funksjon og hvordan funksjon kan studeres på en analytisk og reflektert måte


Anbefalt litteratur

Bichenbach, J.E., Chatteriji, S., Badley, E.M. & Ustün, T.B.: Models of disablement, universalism and the international classification of impairments, disabilities and handicaps, 1999. Social Science & Med.48. 1173-1187 *.

Froestad J, Solvang P, Søder M. : Funksjonshemming, politikk og samfunn, Oslo 2000. Gyldedal Akademiske. kap 2, kap 7, kap 12.

Grue, Lars : Motstand og mestring – om funksjonshemming og livsvilkår, 2001. Abstrakt Forlag .

Hollenweger, J.: ICIDH-2 and the education of children with disabilities – theoretical issues and some practical implications, Berlin, 1998. Paper given at the 6th Eur. Cong. on Research in Rehabilitation. (12 s) *.

Holm I, Fosdahl M, Friis A, Risberg MA, Myklebust G, Steen H. : Effect of Neuromuscular Training on Proprioception, Balance, Muscle Strength, and Lower Limb Function in Female Team Handball Players, 2004. Clin J Sport Med. . Mar;14(2):88-94 *.

Holm I, Friis A, Storheim K, Brox JI.: Measuring self-reported functional status in patients with chronic low back pain by postal questionnaires, 2003. Spine. Vol 28, no 8 (PDF-format online på medisinsk bibl. UiO) *.

ICF:: nternational Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, May, 2001. WHO, Geneva. Kan lastes ned her *.

Keith, R.A. : Conceptual basis of outcome measures, 1995. Am. J. Phys. Rehabil.. 74: 73-80 *.

Markussen, Eifred : Menneskeverd – funksjonshemmet I Norge, 2000. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag.

Mengshoel, AM. Heggen, K. : Recovery from fibromyalgia - patients' own experiences, 2004. Disability and Rehabilitation. 26: 1: 46-53 *.

Richmond TS, Thompson HJ, Deatrick JA, Kauder DR. : Journey towards recovery following physical trauma, 2000. J Advanced Nursing. 32:1341-1347 *.

Sapega, A. : Current concepts review. Muscle performance evaluation in orthopedic practice, 1990. J Bone Joint Surg. 72A:1562-1574 *.

Turner, R.R. : Rehabilitation: Issues in Functional Assessement. i Quality of Life and Pharmaeconomics in Clinical Trials. (Red. B. Spilker), Philadelphia, 1996. Lippincott-Raven Publishers. Kap. 88, s. 839-851 *.

Whyte, John: Toward A Methodology For Rehabilitation Research, 1994: 73. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. ss. 428-435 *.

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Publisert 19. mai 2004 11:23 - Sist endret 23. sep. 2004 17:41