

Å kunne redegjøre for egen forståelse av funksjon og hvordan funksjon kan studeres på en analytisk og reflektert måte

Anbefalt litteratur

Litteraturen er relatert til det foreleserne belyser og kan fås første kursdag. I tillegg skal student velge litteratur som omhandler det tema/problemstilling de vil jobbe med underveis i kurset.

Birchenbach JE, Chatteriji S, Badley EM, Ustűn TB. : Models of disablement, universalism and the international classification of impairments, disabilities and handicaps, 1999. Social Science Med 48; 1173-1187.

Domholdt E.: Physical therapy research – principles and applications, 2000. W. Saunders Company. 2.nd. edition. Kap. 17: Measurement theory, 221-238.

Domholdt E.: Physical therapy research – principles and applications, 2000. W. Saunders Company. 2.nd. edition. Kap. 18: Methodological research, 239-247.

Foss C, Ellefsen B. : The value of combining qualitative and quantitative approaches in nursing research by means of method triangulation, 2002. Journal of Advanced Nursing; 40: 2: 242-248.

Holm I, Friis A, Storheim K, Brox JI. : Measuring self-reported functional status in patients with chronic low back pain by postal questionnaires, 2003. Spine 28: 8: 828 – 833.

Holm I, Fosdahl M, Friis A, Risberg MA, Myklebust G, Steen H.: Effect of Neuromuscular Training on Proprioception, Balance, Muscle Strength, and Lower Limb Function in Female Team Handball Players., 2004. Clin J Sport Med.; 14 :2: 88-94.

Mengshoel AM, Heggen K.: Recovery from fibromyalgia – previous patients’ own experiences. , 2004. Disability and Rehabilitation; 26:1: 46-53.

Mengshoel AM, Slungaard B. : Effects of shoulder arthoplasty and exercise in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, 2005. Clinical Rheumatology; 24: 258-265.

Sveen U. : Ergoterapi i rehabilitering etter hjerneslag – fokus på aktivitet og deltagelse, 2004. Ergoterapeuten; 8: 12-19.

Sveen U, Thommessen B, Bautz-Holter E, Bruun-Wyller T, Laake K. : Well-being and instrumental activities of daily living after stroke, 2004. Clinical Rehabilitation; 18: 67-74.

Wade DT, de Jong BA. : Recent advances in rehabilitation, 2000. BMJ; 320: 1385- 1388.

Walker MF, Gladman JRF, Lincoln NB, Siemonsma P, Whiteley T. : Occupational therapy for stroke patients not admitted to hospital: a randomized controlled trial, 1999. The Lancet; 354; 278-80..

Watson MJ, Hitchcock R. : Recovery of walking late after a severe traumatic brain injury, 2004. Physiotherapy; 90: 103-107.

Whyte J. : Toward a methodology for rehabilitation research, 1994. Am J Physical Med; 73: 428-435.

Østenjø S, Carlberg EB, Vøllestad NK. : Everday functioning in young children with cerebral palsy: functional skills, caregiver assistance, and modifications of the environment, 2003. Developmental Med Child Neurol; 45: 603-612..

Østenjø S, Carlberg EB, Vøllestad NK. : The use and impact of assistive devices and other environmental modifications on everyday activities and care in young children with cerebral palsy, 2005. Disability Rehabil; 27: 14: 849-861..

Publisert 21. apr. 2005 08:57 - Sist endret 19. aug. 2005 13:36