
Kompendium for dette emnet selges i Kopiutsalget i underetasjen på Akademika, Blindern. Gyldig semesterkort e.l. må fremvises ved kjøp av kompendier.

Anbefalt litteratur

Litteraturen er relatert til det foreleserne belyser. I tillegg skal studentene velge litteratur som omhandler det tema/problemstilling de vil jobbe med underveis i kurset. Studentene skal selv dokumentere og gi faglærer en oversikt over det pensum de selv har lest i forbindelse med kurset.

Birchenbach JE, Chatteriji S, Badley EM, Ustűn TB. : Models of disablement, universalism and the international classification of impairments, disabilities and handicaps, 1999. Social Science Med 48; 1173-1187.

Domholdt E.: Physical therapy research – principles and applications, 2000. W. Saunders Company. 2.nd. edition. Kap. 17: Measurement theory, 221-238.

Domholdt E.: Physical therapy research – principles and applications, 2000. W. Saunders Company. 2.nd. edition. Kap. 18: Methodological research, 239-247.

Holm I, Friis A, Storheim K, Brox JI. : Measuring self-reported functional status in patients with chronic low back pain by postal questionnaires, 2003. Spine 28: 8: 828-833.

Holm I, Fosdahl M, Friis A, Risberg MA, Myklebust G, Steen H.: Effect of Neuromuscular Training on Proprioception, Balance, Muscle Strength, and Lower Limb Function in Female Team Handball Players., 2004. Clin J Sport Med.; 14 :2: 88-94.

Holm I, Fredriksen PM, Fosdahl MAa, Olstad M, Vøllestad N. Impaired motor competence in school-aged children with complex congenital heart disease. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 2007; 161 (10):945-950. NB! Ikke i kompendium.

Kjeken I, Kvien TK, Dagfinrud H. Funksjonsvurdering og evaluering ved rehabilitering. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen, 2007; 127:598-9. NB! Ikke i kompendium.

Mengshoel, AM.: Å bli bedre av fibromyalgi - noen tanker rundt erfaringer fra forskning og praksis, 2005. Fysioterapeuten. 2: 23-26.

Stratford P, Kennedy D et al: The relationship between self-report and performance-related measures: questioning the content validity of timed tests. Arthritis & Rheumatism, 2003, vol 49;4, pp 535-540. NB! Ikke i kompendium.

Sveen U. : Ergoterapi i rehabilitering etter hjerneslag – fokus på aktivitet og deltagelse, 2004. Ergoterapeuten; 8: 12-19.

Sveen U, Thommessen B, Bautz-Holter E, Bruun-Wyller T, Laake K. : Well-being and instrumental activities of daily living after stroke, 2004. Clinical Rehabilitation; 18: 67-74.

Tennant A: Measuring outcome. British Medical Bulletin, 2000, 56; 2, pp 287-295. NB! Ikke i kompendium.

Wade DT, de Jong BA. : Recent advances in rehabilitation, 2000. BMJ; 320: 1385- 1388.

Walker MF, Gladman JRF, Lincoln NB, Siemonsma P, Whiteley T. : Occupational therapy for stroke patients not admitted to hospital: a randomized controlled trial, 1999. The Lancet; 354; 278-80..

Watson MJ, Hitchcock R. : Recovery of walking late after a severe traumatic brain injury, 2004. Physiotherapy; 90: 103-107.

Öberg, T, Öberg, U., Svindén G.: Functional capacity after hip arthroplasty: A comparisom between evaluation eith three standard instruments and a personal interview, Scand. J. Occupational Therapy;. 12: 18-28.

Østenjø S, Carlberg EB, Vøllestad NK. : The use and impact of assistive devices and other environmental modifications on everyday activities and care in young children with cerebral palsy, 2005. Disability Rehabil; 27: 14: 849-861..

Publisert 30. mai 2009 09:43 - Sist endret 21. aug. 2009 21:14