Syllabus/achievement requirements

Below you will find literature for each of the 5 topics in INTHE4019. 

Human and microbial Ecology (August 24-28):

Required Literature

  • Levinson Warren “Review of medical microbiology and immunology – 10th edition. aLange medical book. ISBN 978-0-07-149620-9.
    • Part I, chapters 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12
    • Part II, chapters 14 to 21
    • Part III, chapters 28, 32, 33, 36
    • Part IV, chapter 45
    • Part VII, chapters 57 to 61

Recommended Literature

NCD (August 31-September 4):

Reproductive- and child health (September7- 11): 


Required readings:

  • Franck Mauvais-Jarvis, MD Sex and gender: modifiers of health, disease, and medicine: The Lancet. Volume 396, ISSUE 10250, P565-582, August 22,2020:  

Recommended readings:

Rights and RH


  • Berg RC, Denison E. A Tradition in Transition: Factors Perpetuating and Hindering the Continuance of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) Summarized in a Systematic Review. Health Care for Women International. 2013;34(10):837-895. doi:10.1080/07399332.2012.721417.


  • Storeng, K. T., & Ouattara, F. (2014). The politics of unsafe abortion in Burkina Faso: The interface of local norms and global public health practice. Global Public Health, 9(8), 946–959.
  • Ouédraogo, R., & Sundby, J. (2014). Social Determinants and Access to Induced Abortion in Burkina Faso: From Two Case Studies. Obstetrics and Gynecology International, 2014, 402456.

Maternal health


Young people

Medicines in a Global Society (Sept. 21-25) 

Required Literature

Global Pharmaceutical Policy

Newton, P. & al (2011): The Primacy of Public Health Considerations in Defining Poor Quality Medicines. PLoS Medicine Volume 8 issue 12.

Tabernero P, Fernández FM, Green M, Guerin PJ, Newton PN. Mind the gaps--the epidemiology of poor-quality anti-malarials in the malarious world--analysis of the WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance

Network database. Malar J. 2014 Apr 8;13:139.

Pedrique B et al. The drug and vaccine landscape for neglected diseases (2000-11): a systematic assessment. Lancet Glob Health. 2013 Dec;1(6):e371-9.

High cost of new drugs. Regulatory agencies should engage in drug pricing. BMJ 2016; 354 doi:

Burrone, E &al (2019): Patent pooling to increase access to essential medicines. Bull World Health Organ. 2019 Aug 1; 97(8): 575–577.

Moon, Suerie (2017): "Powerful ideas for global access to medicines." New England Journal of Medicine 

Antibiotics and Antimicrobial resistance

Annie Wilkinson *, Ayako Ebata and Hayley MacGregor (2019): Review. Interventions to Reduce Antibiotic Prescribing in LMICs: A Scoping Review of Evidence from Human and Animal Health Systems. Antibiotics 2019, 8, 2;

AMR and global health (NB – only summaries are required reading, the rest is recommended)



Ryan, R, Hill, S &al (2014): Interventions to improve safe and effective medicines use by consumers: An overview of systematic reviews. Cochrane database

Jin J, Sklar GE, Min Sen Oh V, Chuen Li S. Factors affecting therapeutic compliance: A review from the patient's perspective. Ther Clin Risk Manag 2008; 4: 269-86.

Houts et al (2006): “The role of pictures in improving health communication: A review of research on attention, comprehension, recall and adherence”. Patient Education and Counseling 2006 May;61(2):173-90.

Haaland, A (2019): Educating and communicating with patients; self-assessment. Pdf on Canvas

Gillespie, H; Kelly, M; Duggan, S and Dornan, T (2017): How do patients experience caring? Scoping review. Patient Education and Counseling 100; 1622-1633.

NB students: This is a very recent and excellent article – NOT REQUIRED but highly recommended, therefore noted on this priority list!

Teaching the public

Chetley, A & al (2007): How to improve the use of Medicines by consumers. Chapters 1 and 2. Chapter 5 is recommended reading.

Peter Maguire, Carolyn Pitceathly (2002): Clinical Review: Key Communication skills and how to acquire them. BMJ Volume 325, pp 697-700.

Educating patients about medications: Editorial, Patient Education and Counseling 83, 2011 (pdf in Canvas)

Childhood vaccination

Ames HMR, Glenton C, Lewin S (2017): Parents’ and informal caregivers’ views and experiences of communication about routine childhood vaccination: a synthesis of qualitative evidence (Review) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD011787.  DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD011787.pub2. (NB – there is a short, medium and long version – please read the medium version.)

mhealth very short summary (see article under recommended reading)


Use of traditional medicines

Nordeng H, Al-Zayadi W, Diallo D, Ballo N, Paulsen BS. Traditional medicine practitioners' knowledge and views on treatment of pregnant women in three regions of Mali. J Ethnobiol Ethnomed. 2013 Sep 17;9(1):67.

Falsified medicines

Newton et al. Falsified medicines in Africa: all talk, no action. The Lancet Global Health, Volume 2, Issue 9, Pages e509 - e510.

Bassat et al. Combating poor-quality anti-malarial medicines: a call to action. Malaria Journal 201615:302.

De Terline, D & al (2018): Substandard drugs among five common antihypertensive generic medications: an analysis from 10 African countries. Journal of Hypertension 2018 Feb;36(2):395-401.

Essential drugs and drug pricing

The selection of essential medicines. WHO Policy Perspectives on Medicines no. 4, 2002.

Gender and medicine

Wagner AK, Graves AJ, Fan Z, Walker S, Zhang F, Ross-Degnan D. Need for and access to health care and medicines: are there gender inequities? PLoS One. 2013;8(3):e57228.

Recommended literature

  1. MacKinney TG et al. Camphor: an herbal medicine causing grand mal seizures. BMJ Case Rep 2015.


  1. World Health Organization (WHO), 2013a. WHO traditional medicine strategy 2014 - 2023. Chapter 3: Global review of T&CM
  2. Dukes, G. (2005). A sketch of the Pharmaceutical Industry and its products. The Law and Ethics of the Pharmaceutical Industry, Elsevier. Pdf on canvas
  3. Dukes, G. (2005). Pharmaceutical Pricing and Profits. The Law and Ethics of the Pharmaceutical Industry, Elsevier.
  4. Berger, Jonathan, Alexandra Calmy, and Suerie Moon (2011): "Driving a decade of change: HIV/AIDS, patents and access to medicines for all." Journal of the International AIDS Society 14.1: 1-12.
  5. Nsimba, S.E.D, Trunde, H, Comoro, C (2010): Barriers to ARV Adherence among HIV/AIDS Positive Persons taking Anti-Retroviral Therapy in Two Tanzanian Regions 8-12 months after program Initiation. Journal of AIDS and Clinical Research.
  6. Chetley, A & al (2007): How to improve the use of Medicines by consumers. Chapter 5
  7. Newton, P & al (2011): Poor quality vital anti-malarials in Africa – an urgent neglected public health priority. Malaria Journal 10.352
  8. Newton, P & al (2008): A Collaborative Epidemiological Investigation into the Criminal Fake Artesunate Trade in South East Asia.  PLoS Medicine Volume 5 issue 2.
  9. mHealth Health workers’ perceptions and experiences of using mHealth technologies to deliver primary healthcare services: a qualitative evidence synthesis.
  10. Moradi, M, Shakraki, S.H, Rezayee, M and Verdi, M (2013):  Compliance with antimicrobial therapy: Evaluating the related factors. Journal of Pharmaceutical Care 1 (2) 60-64  
  11. Haque, M 6 al (2019): Self-medication of antibiotics: investigating practice among university students at Malaysian National Defence University. Infection and Drug Resistance 2019:12 1333–1351
  12. WHO: Traditional and complimentary medicine policy (chapter available on Canvas)
  13. MacKinney TG, Soti KR, Shrestha P, Basnyat B. Camphor: an herbal medicine causing grand mal seizures. BMJ Case Rep 2015. doi:10.1136/bcr-2014-209101
  14. Keshet, Y (2009): The untenable boundaries of biomedical knowledge: Epistemologies and rhetoric strategies in the debate over evaluating complementary and alternative medicine. Sage Health: An Interdisciplinary journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine
  15. 2011: Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical aspects. Chapter 22: Integration of herbal medicine into evidence based clinical practice. ?
  16. Homede N and Ugalde A. Review article: patients' compliance with medical treatments in the third world. What do we know? Health Politics and Planning. 1993; 8:291-314.
  17. Laing, R.O, Hogerzeil, H.V, Ross-Degnan, D (2001): Ten recommendations to improve use of medicines in developing countries. Health Policy and Planning; 16(1): 13–20
  18. Le Grand A; Hogerzeil HV, and Haaijer-Ruskamp FM. Intervention research in rational use of drugs: a review. Health Politics and Planning. 1999; 14:89-102.
  19. Marsh, V. M.; Mutemi, W. M.; Muturi, J.; Haaland, A.; Watkins, W. M.; Otieno, G., and Marsh, K. Changing home treatment of childhood fevers by training shop keepers in rural Kenya. Trop Med Int Health. 1999 May; 4(5):383-9.
  20. Ross-Degnan, D.; Soumerai, S. B.; Goel, P. K.; Bates, J.; Makhulo, J.; Dondi, N.; Sutoto; Adi, D.; Ferraz-Tabor, L., and Hogan, R. The impact of face-to-face educational outreach on diarrhoea treatment in pharmacies. Health Policy Plan. 1996 Sep; 11(3):308-18.
  21. Make medicines child size, info and debate on the need to focus on pediatric formulations for children. Article on the introduction of this initiative in “Health Exchange”:
  22. MSF urges Prime Minister Modi to resist US political pressure to restrict global access to medicines.
  23. WHO's policy papers: Short overviews of essential medicines and patents
  24. HAIs Country working papers
  25. Stavropoulou, C (2011): Non-adherence to medication and doctor–patient relationship: Evidence from a European survey. Patient Education and Counseling 83, 7–13
  26. Dowse, R and Ehlers, M (2005): Medicine labels incorporating pictograms: do they influence understanding and adherence? Patient Education and Counseling 58; 63–70
  27. Mann, K, Gordon, J and Mac Leod, A (2009): Reflection and reflective practice in health professions education: A systematic review. Advances in Health Science Education 14, pp 595-621.
  28. Schneider, T.R, Lyons, J.B, Khazon, S (2013): Emotional intelligence and resilience. Personality and Individual Differences 55, 909–914
  29. Houts, P.S, Doak, C.C, Doak, L.G., Loscalzo, M.J (2006): The role of pictures in improving health communication: A review of research on attention, comprehension, recall, and adherence. Patient Education and Counseling, Vol. 61, Issue 2, p173–190

Health Systems (Sept. 38-Oct. 2):

Required Literature

Birn, Anne-Emanuelle, Yogan Pillay, and Timothy H. Holtz. Textbook of Global Health. Fourth edition. ed.: Oxford University Press, 2017. Chapter 11

Supplementary reading

-    World Health Organization (2000). Health systems: improving performance. World Health Report. Geneva: WHO.

-    Smith, R. D., & Hanson, K. (2012). What is a ‘health system’? Chapter 1 in Smith and Hanson (eds), Health systems in low-and middle-income countries: An economic and policy perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

-    World Health Organization (2007). In Everybody’s business: strengthening health systems to improve health outcomes. WHO’s framework for action. Geneva: WHO.

-    Smith, R. D., & Hanson, K. (2012). What is a ‘health system’? Chapter 1 in Smith and Hanson (eds), Health systems in low-and middle-income countries: An economic and policy perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

-    Smith, P. C. (2009). Introduction. Chapter 1.1. in Smith et al (eds),Performance measurement for health system improvement: experiences, challenges and prospects. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

-    World Health Organization (2000). Health systems: improving performance. World Health Report. Geneva: WHO.


Country cases

Sources for country studies (Supplementary reading)

-    Cotlear, D., Nagpal, S., Smith, O., Tandon, A., & Cortez, R. (2015). Going universal: how 24 developing countries are implementing universal health coverage from the bottom up. Washington, DC: World Bank Publications. Universal health coverage study series.

-    Joint learning network for universal health coverage.

-    Global Network for Health Equity. UHC assessments.

-    Atun, R., De Andrade, L. O. M., Almeida, G., Cotlear, D., Dmytraczenko, T., Frenz, P., … Muntaner, C. (2015). Health-system reform and universal health coverage in Latin America. The Lancet, 385(9974), 1230–1247.


Reproductive and maternal health

Required Literature

-    Storeng, K., Mishra, A. (2014) Politics and practices of global health: critical ethnographies of health systems. Global Public Health, 9:8. 858-864.

-    Storeng, K., Behague, D. P. (2014) Playing the numbers game: Evidence based advocacy and the technocratic narrowing of the Safe Motherhood Initiative. Medical Anthropology Quarterly, 28:2. 260-279.

Supplementary reading

-    Storeng, K (2016) Lives in the balance: The politics of integration in the partnership for maternal, newborn and child health.

-    AbouZahr, C (2003) Safe Motherhood: A brief history of the global movement 1947-2002

-    Starrs, A (2006) Safe motherhood Initiative: 20 years and counting

-    Freedman, L (2007) Practical lessons from global safe motherhood initiatives: time for a new focus on implementation

-    Footman, K (2014) A systematic mapping of funders of maternal health intervention research 2000-2012

-    Shiffman, J (2007) Generating of political priority for global health initiatives: a framework and case study of maternal mortality.

-    Meguid T (2016) (Re)Humanising Health Care – Placing Dignity and Agency of the Patient at the Centre

-    Koblinsky (2016) Quality maternity care for every woman, everywhere: a call to action

-    Bohren (2014) The Mistreatment of Women during Childbirth in Health Facilities Globally: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review

-    Van Roosmalen (2015) Continuous and caring support right now

-    Sundby, J (2014) A rollercoaster of policy shifts: Global trends and Reproductive health policy in the Gambia

-    Sundby J (2005) Is it possible to turn the tide for maternal health? Investing in safe motherhood. An operational research project in Maputo, Mozambique


Coordination within Health Systems

Required Literature

-    Iversen, T., Anell, A., Häkkinen, U., Kronborg, C., & Ólafsdóttir, T. (2016). Coordination of health care in the Nordic countries. Nordic Journal of Health Economics, 4(1), pp-41.

Supplementary reading

-    Olsen, K. R., Anell, A., Häkkinen, U., Iversen, T., Ólafsdóttir, T., & Sutton, M. (2016). General practice in the Nordic countries. Nordic Journal of Health Economics, 4(1), pp-56.


History of Health Systems

Required Literature

-    Berridge, V. (2000). History in public health: who needs it? The Lancet, 356(9245), 1923–1925.

Supplementary reading

-    Birn, Anne-Emanuelle. "Doctors on Record: Uruguay's Infant Mortality Stagnation and Its Remedies, 1895–1945." Bulletin of the History of Medicine 82, no. 2 (2008): 311-54.

-    Cueto, Marcos, and Gabriel Lopez. "Aids, Antiretrovirals, Brazil and the International Politics of Global Health, 1996–2008 ". Social History of Medicine  (in print): 22 pp.

-    Gorsky, Martin, and Christopher Sirrs. "World Health by Place: The Politics of International Health System Metrics, 1924–C. 2010." Journal of Global History 12, no. 3 (2017): 361-85.

-    Tichenor, Marlee, and Devi Sridhar. "Universal Health Coverage, Health Systems Strengthening, and the World Bank." BMJ 358 (2017): 1-5.


Ebola (Supplementary reading)

1.  Factors that contributed to undetected spread of the Ebola virus and impeded rapid containment. Available at:

2.  Out of control. How the world’s health organizations failed to stop the Ebola disaster.


4.  Kronikk: Ebola-epidemien er allerede en katastrofe. To be found at:

5.  Ebola Again Shows the International Health Regulations Are Broken. What Can Be Done Differently to Prepare for the Next Epidemic?


Global Health Security

Required Literature

-    WHO (2007). The World Health Report 2007: A safer future: Global public health security in the 21st century. Geneva: WHO.​

Supplementary reading

-    Rushton, S. (2011). 'Global health security: Security for whom? Security from what?', Political Studies 59(4): 779-796.

-    Ngozi, AE, J Martin, R Marten, G Ooms, R Yates & D Heymann (2018). 'Building the case for embedding global health security into universal health coverage: a proposal for a unified health system that includes public health', The Lancet 392(10156): 1482-1486.


Barriers to Health Systems

Required Literature

-    Levesque, J.-F., Harris, M. F., & Russell, G. (2013). Patient-centered access to health care: conceptualizing access at the interface of health systems and populations. International Journal for Equity in Health, 12(1), 1. <>

Supplementary reading

-    World Health Organization. (2010). Health systems financing: the path to universal coverage. World Health Report. Geneva: WHO. (This report introduces the WHO's "UHC Cube" on how to expand health coverage, although I suspect Trygve might have this report down for his lecture as well, so there might be some overlap here).

-    Prince, R. (2017). 'Universal health coverage in the global south: New models of healthcare and their implications for citizenship, solidarity and the public good', Tidsskriftet Michael 2: 153-72. (Good to promote the research being done at HELSAM).


Financing and Priority Setting

Required Literature

-    Chalkidou, Kalipso, Amanda Glassman, Robert Marten, Jeanette Vega, Yot Teerawattananon, Nattha Tritasavit, Martha Gyansa-Lutterodt, et al. "Priority-Setting for Achieving Universal Health Coverage/ Definition Des Priorites Pour Parvenir a La Couverture Sanitaire Universelle/ Establecimiento De Prioridades Para Conseguir Una Cobertura Sanitaria Universal.(Policy & Practice)(Report)." Bulletin of the World Health Organization 94, no. 6 (2016): 462.

-    Jamison, Dean T., Lawrence H. Summers, George Alleyne, Kenneth J. Arrow, Seth Berkley, Agnes Binagwaho, Flavia Bustreo, et al. "Global Health 2035: A World Converging within a Generation." The Lancet 382, no. 9908 (2013): 1898-955.



Published Aug. 5, 2020 11:35 AM - Last modified Sep. 21, 2020 8:34 AM