
SYKVIT4012 \ GERSYK4201 – Sykepleievitenskapens teori og verdigrunnlag

Det tas forbehold om endringer.

  • Higgs, J., Jones, MA., Loftus S., Christensen, N. (2008). Clinical reasoning in the health professions. 3rd ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier (kap. 1-5, 11, 25)
  • Hofmann, B. (2014). Hva er sykdom? Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk (Kap 1-4, 8): Finnes kun som E-bok som kan kjøpes på Ark
  • Nortvedt, P. (2012). Omtanke - en innføring i sykepleiens etikk. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk (Kap 1-3).
  • Hafsteinsdóttir TB. Jónsdóttir, H., Kirkevold, M., Leino-Kilpi, H., Lomborg, K., Hallberg, IR., Kirkevold, M. (2019) Leadership in Nursing: Experiences from the European Nordic Countries. Springer (Kap 14 and 16)


Artikler og bokkapitler:

Artikler og bokkapitler som ikke er tilgjengelig i fulltekst (merket med * i pensumlisten) trykkes i eget kompendium som kan kjøpes på Kopiutsalget på Blindern.

  • Bonanno, GA. (2004). Loss Trauma, and Human resilience. “Have we underestimated the human Capacity to thrive after Extremely Aversive Events? American Psychology.vol 59, No 1, (s 20-28).
  • Carlisle S, Hanlon P. (2007). The Complex territory of well-being: Contestable evidence, contentious theories and speculative conclusions.  Journal of Public mental health, 6(2):8-13.
  • *Donaldson S. (2000). Breakthroughs in Scientific Research: The discipline of Nursing, 1960-1999. I: Fitzpatrick, J. og Goeppinger J (red.). Annual Review of Nursing Research, s. 247-311. New York: Springer.
  • Ellefsen B, Kim HS. (2005). Nurses' clinical engagement: a study from an acute-care setting in Norway. Research & Theory for Nursing Practice, 19 (4): 297-313.
  • Ellefsen B, Kim HS., Han KJ. (2007). Nursing gaze as framework for nursing practice: a study from acute care settings in Korea, Norway and the USA. Scandinavian Journal of caring sciences, 21: 98-105.
  • Ellefsen B, Kim HS. (2004). Nurses’ construction of clinical situations: A study conducted in acute-care settings in Norway. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 36(2): 114-131.
  • Foss C. Elders and patient participation revisited – a discourse analytic approach to elderly persons’ reflections on patient participation. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2011; 20: 2014-22.
  • * Fredrickson B.L. (2008). Promoting positive affect.  In Eid, M. & Larsen RJ. The Science of subjective well-being. Kap. 22 (s. 449-468).
  • Georges, J.M. (2004). The Politics of Suffering: Implications for Nursing Science. Adv Nurs Sci, 27(4): 250-256.
  • Goebel, J.R., Doering, L.V., Lorenz, K.A., Maliski, S.L., Nyamathi, A.M., Evangelista, L.S. (2009). Caring for special populations: total pain theory in advanced heart failure: applications to research and practice. Nursing Forum. 44(3):175-85.
  • Gonzalez, MT, Kirkevold, M (2013). Benefits of sensory garden and horticultural activities in dementia care: a modified scoping review.  Journal of Clinical Nursing, 23, 2698–2715.
  • Gonzalez, MT, Kirkevold, M.  (2010) Therapeutic horticulture in clinical depression: a prospective study of active components. Journal of Advanced Nursing 66(9), 2002–2013.doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2010.05383.x
  • Guillemin M., McDdougall R., Gillam L. (2009). Developing “Ethical Mindfullness” in Continuing Professional Development in Healthcare: Use of a Personal Narrative Approach. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 18: 198-208.
  • * King L.A., (2008).  Interventions for enhancing subjective well-being. Can we make people happier, and should we? In Eid, M. & Larsen RJ. The Science of subjective well-being. Kap. 21 (s. 431-448).
  • *Kirkevold, M., (2009a). Hva slags vitenskap er sykepleievitenskapen? I: Östlinder, G., Söderberg S, Öhlen J. (2009). Omvårdnad som akademiskt ämne. Stockholm: Svensk sjuksköterskeförening, s. 11-20.
  • *Kirkevold, M., (2009b). Sykepleievitenskap – epistemologiske overveielser I: Östlinder, G., Söderberg S, Öhlen J. (2009). Omvårdnad som akademiskt ämne. Stockholm: Svensk sjuksköterskeförening, s. 21-30.
  • Leplege A., Gzil F, Cammelli M, Lefeve C, Pachoud B, Ville I. (2007). Person-centeredness: Conceptual and historical perspectives. Disability and rehabilitation, 29(20-21): 1555-1565.
  • Leipold B, Greve W. (2009). Resilience. A Conceptual Bridge Between Coping and Development.  European Psychologist, 14(1): 40-50.
  • *Martinsen K. (2006). Sårbarheten og omveiene. I: Bugge, D., Böwadt, PR., Sørensen, PAa.
  • Løgstrups mange ansigter. København: Anis, s.255-270.
  • * Meleis, A. I. (2012). Theoretical nursing. Development and progress. (5.utg.). Philadelphia: Lippincott. (Kap.3, 6, 17).
  • *Pahuus, AM. (2006). Selvudlevering, ansvar og magt. Løgstrup og afhengighedsetikken. I: Bugge, D., Böwadt, PR., Sørensen, PAa. Løgstrups mange ansigter. København: Anis, s.241-254.
  • Patel, S.R., Bakken, S., Ruland, C. (2008). Recent advances in shared decision making for mental health. Current Opinion in Psychiatry. Nov; 21 (6): 606-12.
  • Quale, A.J., Schanke, AK. (2010). Resilience in the Face of Coping With a severe Physical Injury: A study of trajectories of adjustment in a rehabilitation setting. Rehabilitation psychology. Vol 55, No 1, (s 12-22).
  • Riegel, B., Dickson VV. (2008). A situationalspecific theory of heart failure self-care. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 23:33, (s190-196).
  • Riegel, B., Jaarsma, T., Strømberg, A. (2012) A middel-Range Theory of Self-Care of Chronic Illness. Advances in Nursing Science. Vol 35, No3, (ss 194-204).
  • Riegel, B., Dickson, V.V., Faulkner, K.M. (2016) The situational-Specific Theory of Hearth Failure Self-Care: Revised and Updated. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 31:3, (s226-235)
  • Risjord M. (2009). Rethinking concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65 (3): 684-91
  • *Sveneus F.(2007). Å bli syk: en studie i tilsykningens fenomenologi. I Engelsrud G, Heggen K. (red.). Humanistisk sykdomslære. Kap. 3 (s. 42-58).
  • Spichiger, E., Wallhagen, M.I., Benner, P. (2005). Nursing as a caring practice from a phenomenological perspective. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. Dec; 19 (4): 303-9..
  • Thompson AGH. 2007. The meaning of patient involvement and participating in health care consultations: A taxonomy. Social Science & Medicine 64: 1297-1310.
  • * White. P. (2005). Biopsychosocial medicine. An integrated approach to understanding illness. Oxford: Oxford University Press (kap. 2,5,8).


Publisert 27. mai 2019 17:48 - Sist endret 27. mai 2019 17:48