
MF9270 Mathematics in Biology: Mathematics is biology’s next microscope

Place:  A1.1001 Autorium and A1.1004 Seminarrom, Domus Odontologica


Thursday 6th. March 2014 (A1.1004)

Robustness: Networks

09.00 Birgitte Freiesleben de Blasio: Networks
10.15 Discussion groups: Power law distributions and sexual contacts
11.30 Summary of discussion in plenum
12.00 Lunch

Network medicine
13.00 Odd Aalen: Network medicine - some mathematical aspects
14.00: Håkon Grydeland: Network analysis
14.30 Discussion groups: Network medicine
15.30 Summary of discussion in plenum
16.00 End


Friday 7th March 2014 (A1.1001)

Computersimulation: Mathematical modeling of cellular signalling
09.00: Anne Spurkland: What is cellular signalling?
09.30: Martin Meier-Schellersheim: Modelling of cellular signalling
10.30 Practical exercise I: simulation of a simple signalling circuit
11.45 Summary of exercise in plenum
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Martin Meier-Schellersheim: SIMMUNE
13.30 Practical exercise II: simulation of a simple signalling circuit
15.30 Summary of exercise in plenum
16.00 Course exam
16.30 End

Published Dec. 10, 2013 11:19 AM - Last modified Feb. 28, 2014 12:42 PM