Teaching plan

11. - 15. February 2013

Place: Auditorium, Fredrik Holsts hus

Course committee:

Akhtar Hussain (AH)

Atle Fretheim (AF),

Lien Diep (LD)

MONDAY February 11th 2013

09.00 – 09.15 Course introduction (AH).

09.15 - 10.00 Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) Concepts - Appraisal of Literature and Concepts of Systematic Review (AF).

10.15 – 11.45 Concepts of Research Design (AH).

11.45 - 13.00 Lunch

13.00 – 13.45 Undertaking a systematic review (AF).

14.00 – 14.45 Appraising systematic Reviews (AF).

15.00 – 15.45 Group work: Critical appraisal of a systematic review. Division into groups and assignment of group work (systematic review to assess).

TUESDAY February 12th 2013

09.00 – 10.45 Research design in intervention studies. Methods and types of clinical trials: uncontrolled trials, historical controls, concurrent non-randomized controls, randomized clinical trials cross over trials (AH).

11.00 – 11.45 Diagnosis and its challenges in intervention studies, sensitivity, specificity (PPV and NPV) Agreement and kappa score. Measuring attributable risk for intervention/preventive measures (AH).

11.45 – 13.00 Lunch

13.00 – 14.45 Group work on critical appraisal of systematic review continued from the day before (AF).

15.00 – 15.45 Presentation and discussion of results of critical appraisal of systematic review (AF).

WEDNESDAY February 13th 2013

09.00 - 09.45 Research Confounding and Bias, Sample Selection & sample size (AH).

10.00 – 10.45 The case of an intervention study for changes in lifestyle (Bangladesh, Norway).

11.00 – 11.45 The case of vaccine trials: An efficiacy trial of meningococcal B vaccine in Norwegian teenagers (Gunnar Bjune).

12.00 -13.00 Lunch

13.00 – 14.45 Clinical trial Protocol (AH).

15.00 – 15.45 Presentation of Intervention Protocols.

THURSDAY February 14th 2013

Responsible: Lien Diep

Mathematical models for the analysis of cohort studies and intervention outcomes (Lien)

09.00 Summary statistics, presenting data as graphs and tables.

10.00 Data lab.

12.00 Lunch

13.00 Odds ratio and relative risk revisited. Uncertainties and tests.

15.00 Data lab.

16.00 End.

FRIDAY February 15th 2013

Responsible: Lien Diep

09.00 - 12.00 Logistic regression: confounding and interaction.

12.00 Lunch

 13.00 – 14.00 Self study.

 14.00 - 15.30 Quiz questionnaire exam.

 15.45 – 16.00 Evaluation (Exam task for home exam given) .

Published Jan. 28, 2013 1:26 PM - Last modified Jan. 28, 2013 4:06 PM