Schedule, syllabus and examination date

Course content

This course provides an introduction to sports nutrition. The course includes key topics that form the basis for the dietary recommendations for athletes, including exercise physiology, energy and nutrient consumption during training, and recovery. The course covers central issues that affect athletes' performance, nutritional status and health, including various dietary strategies, weight management, use of dietary supplements and psychological factors. The dietary recommendations for athletes will be reviewed and discussed.

Learning outcome


The course provides students with knowledge to be able to assess and discuss:

  • the main mechanisms of exercise physiology
  • the main topics in sports nutrition
  • the differences in nutritional needs for different types of sports
  • the dietary recommendations for athletes
  • the main nutritional challenges in the sporting world, related to performance, health, ethics and anti-doping


You will learn to:

  • analyse the scientific basis for the dietary recommendations for athletes
  • assess nutritional challenges related to performance and health in various different sports
  • assess ethical issues related to athletes' weight management and use of dietary supplements
  • assess the relevance and use of knowledge-based dietary advice in communication with athletes and their support team
  • discuss sports nutrition in an academic, balanced manner
  • plan, implement and evaluate individual dietary guidance for an athlete

General competencies

You will be able to:

  • work independently on individual dietary guidance for athletes
  • work independently on communicating elements from the discipline of sports nutrition to athletes and their support team and to the general population
  • reflect on issues related to nutrition, performance, health and ethics in the sporting world
  • collaborate with other health professionals on dietary guidance for athletes


Closed professional degree.

This course is reserved exclusively for students taking the five-year master's degree in clinical nutrition.


Formal prerequisite knowledge

Required previous knowledge

The Faculty may require a programme student who has been absent from the programme for more than two consecutive years to repeat previously approved mandatory teaching and/or previously passed examinations before being allowed to resume his/her studies.


The teaching consists of lectures, practical exercises, discussions and group assignments with oral presentations at plenary sessions.


Portfolio assessment

Students must pass all the examinations in one semester before they can proceed to the next semester. A student who is sitting a new or deferred examination may nevertheless continue to attend courses until the examination results are announced, or, as applicable, until the result of an appeal has been announced, but must discontinue the semester if the final result is a "fail".

Use of sources and citation

You should familiarize yourself with the rules that apply to the use of sources and citations. If you violate the rules, you may be suspected of cheating/attempted cheating.

Language of examination

The examination text is given in Norwegian. You may submit your response in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about the grading system.

Explanations and appeals

Resit an examination

It is possible to sit the examination in this course up to three times, i.e. it is possible to submit the assignment for grading up to three times. Students who do not submit the assignment within the stipulated deadline must provide a medical certificate in order to have legitimate absence approved and be given a new deadline for submission.

Special examination arrangements

Application form, deadline and requirements for special examination arrangements.


The course will be evaluated by the students at the end of the course.

Facts about this course

Every spring
Every spring
Teaching language
Norwegian (English on request)