Syllabus/achievement requirements

* = text in compendium

@ = text accessible online

Key challenges and concepts
@Broto, V. C. and Bulkeley, H. 2013. A survey of urban climate change experiments in 100 cities. Global Environmental Change. Vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 92–102. 11 pages.

@Davoudi, S. 2014. Climate Change, Securitisation of Nature, and Resilient Urbanism. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy. Vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 360 – 375. 16 pages.

BOK: Flint, J. and Raco, M. (eds) 2012. The future of sustainable cities. Critical reflections. Newcastle: Policy Press, chapter 4 and 6.
@Grimm, N. B., S. H. Faeth, N. E. Golubiewski, C. L. Redman, J. Wu, X. Bai, and J. M. Briggs. 2008. “Global Change and the Ecology of Cities.” Science 319 (5864): 756–60. doi:10.1126/science.1150195. 5 pages.

@Rapoport, E. 2015. Globalising sustainable urbanism: the role of international masterplanners. Area. Vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 110–115. 16 pages.

Mobilities and transport

@Banister, D. (2008). The sustainable mobility paradigm. Transport policy, 15(2), 73-80. 8 pages.

*Edensor, T. 2012. Commuter: Mobility, rhythm and commuting, in Cresswell, T. og Merriman, P. (eds.) Geographies of Mobilities: Practices Spaces Subjects. Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 189-204. 16 pages.

BOK: Flint, J. and Raco, M. (eds) 2012. The future of sustainable cities. Critical reflections. Newcastle: Policy Press, chapter 7.

@Goodwin P.G. 2012. Three views on ‘peak car. World Transport Policy & Practice. Vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 8-17. 10 pages.

@Horner, M. 2004. Spatial dimensions of urban commuting: A review of major issues and their implications for future geographic research. The professional geographer, vol. 56, nr. 2, s. 160-173. 14 sider.

@Jensen, O. B., Sheller, M. and Wind, S. 2014. Together and Apart: Affective Ambiences and Negotiation in Families’ Everyday Life and Mobility. Mobilities. Vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 363-382, 20 pages.

@Næss, P. 2006. Accessibility, Activity Participation and Location of Activities: Exploring the Links between Residential Location and Travel Behaviour. Urban Studies, vol. 43, nr. 3, s. 627–652. 26 sider.

@Næss, P. and Vogel, N. 2012. Sustainable urban development and the multi-level transition perspective. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 4, pp. 36-50. 15 pages.

@Sheller, M. og Urry, J. 2000. The city and the car. International journal of urban and regional research. Vol. 24, nr. 4, pp. 737-757. 21 pages.

Sustainable transformations

@Bulkeley, H., Luque-Ayala, A., McFarlane, C. and MacLeod, G. 2016. Enhancing urban autonomy: Towards a new political project for cities. Urban Studies. DOI: 10.1177/0042098016663836. 19 pages.

@Bulkeley, Harriet, and Michele Betsill. 2005. “Rethinking Sustainable Cities: Multilevel Governance and the ‘Urban’ Politics of Climate Change.” Environmental Politics 14 (1): 42–63. doi:10.1080/0964401042000310178. 22 pages.

@Deng, Xiangzheng, and Xuemei Bai. 2014. “Sustainable Urbanization in Western China.” Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 56 (3): 12–24. doi:10.1080/00139157.2014.901836. 13 pages.

BOK: Flint, J. and Raco, M. (eds) 2012. The future of sustainable cities. Critical reflections. Newcastle: Policy Press, chapter 7.

@Moser, S. 2015. “New Cities: Old Wine in New Bottles?” Dialogues in Human Geography 5 (1): 31–35. doi:10.1177/2043820614565867. 5 pages.

@Nevens, Frank, Niki Frantzeskaki, Leen Gorissen, and Derk Loorbach. 2013. “Urban Transition Labs: Co-Creating Transformative Action for Sustainable Cities.” Journal of Cleaner Production 50 (July): 111–22. 12 pages.

@Satterthwaite, David. 2016. “A New Urban Agenda?” Environment and Urbanization 28 (1): 3–12. doi:10.1177/0956247816637501. 10 pages.

@Satterthwaite, David. 2013. “The Political Underpinnings of Cities’ Accumulated Resilience to Climate Change.” Environment and Urbanization 25 (2): 381–91. doi:10.1177/0956247813500902. 11 pages.

@Satterthwaite, David, and David Dodman. 2013. “Towards Resilience and Transformation for Cities within a Finite Planet.” Environment and Urbanization 25 (2): 291–98. doi:10.1177/0956247813501421. 8 pages.

@Ziervogel, Gina, Anna Cowen, and John Ziniades. 2016. “Moving from Adaptive to Transformative Capacity: Building Foundations for Inclusive, Thriving, and Regenerative Urban Settlements.” Sustainability 8 (10): 955. doi:10.3390/su8090955. 1 page.

Smart cities/urban infrastructures

@Bulkeley, H., Broto, V. C. and Maassen, A. 2014. Low-carbon Transitions and the Reconfiguration of Urban Infrastructure. Urban Studies. Vol. 51, no. 7, pp. 1471–1486. 16 pages.

@Caragliu, A., Del Bo, C. & Nijkamp, P. 2011. Smart cities in Europe. Journal of Urban Technology. Vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 65-82. 18 pages.
@Datta, A. 2015. “New Urban Utopias of Postcolonial India: ‘Entrepreneurial Urbanization’ in Dholera Smart City, Gujarat.” Dialogues in Human Geography 5 (1): 3–22. doi:10.1177/2043820614565748. 20 pages.

@Kitchin, R. (2014): “The real-time city? Big data and smart urbanism”. GeoJournal, vol. 79, nr 1, s. 1-14, 15 sider.

@Luque-Ayala, A and Marvin, S. (2015): Developing a critical understanding of smart urbanism? Urban Studies. Published online before print March 23, 2015, 13 sider.

@Rohracher, Harald, and Philipp Späth. 2014. “The Interplay of Urban Energy Policy and Socio-Technical Transitions: The Eco-Cities of Graz and Freiburg in Retrospect.” Urban Studies 51 (7): 1415–31. doi:10.1177/0042098013500360. 17 pages.

Vulnerabilities and resilience

@ Blackburn, S. et al. 2013. Mega-urbanisation on the coast: Global context and key trends in the twenty-first century. Chapter 1 in M. Pelling and Sophie Blackburn (eds.) Megacities and the Coast: Risk, Resilience and Transformation. London ; New York: Routledge. ? pages.

@Carmin, JoAnn, Isabelle Anguelovski, and Debra Roberts. 2012. “Urban Climate Adaptation in the Global South Planning in an Emerging Policy Domain.” Journal of Planning Education and Research 32 (1): 18–32. 15 pages.

@Grimmond, C.S.B. 2013. Contributions of coastal megacities to environmental changes at regional and global scales. Chapter 4 in Chapter 1 in M. Pelling and Sophie Blackburn (eds.) Megacities and the Coast: Risk, Resilience and Transformation. London ; New York: Routledge. ? pages.

@Iwaniec, David M, Geneviève S Metson, and Dana Cordell. 2016. “P-FUTURES: Towards Urban Food & Water Security through Collaborative Design and Impact.” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 20 (June): 1–7. doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2016.03.001. 7 pages.

@Leichenko, Robin M., and William D. Solecki. 2013a. “Climate Change in Suburbs: An Exploration of Key Impacts and Vulnerabilities.” Urban Climate 6 (December): 82–97. doi:10.1016/j.uclim.2013.09.001. 16 pages.

@Revi, Aromar et al. 2014. “Towards Transformative Adaptation in Cities: The IPCC’s Fifth Assessment.” Environment and Urbanization 26 (1): 11–28. doi:10.1177/0956247814523539. 18 pages.

@Romero Lankao, Patricia, and Hua Qin. 2011. “Conceptualizing Urban Vulnerability to Global Climate and Environmental Change.” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 3 (3): 142–49. doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2010.12.016. 8 pages.

@Satterthwaite, David. 2016. “A New Urban Agenda?” Environment and Urbanization 28 (1): 3–12. doi:10.1177/0956247816637501. 10 pages.

@Specht, Kathrin, Rosemarie Siebert, Ina Hartmann, Ulf B. Freisinger, Magdalena Sawicka, Armin Werner, Susanne Thomaier, Dietrich Henckel, Heike Walk, and Axel Dierich. 2014. “Urban Agriculture of the Future: An Overview of Sustainability Aspects of Food Production in and on Buildings.” Agriculture and Human Values 31 (1): 33–51. doi:10.1007/s10460-013-9448-4. 19 pages.

Social sustainability/urban commons

@Charmes, E. and Keil, R. 2015. The Politics of Post-Suburban Densification in Canada and France. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. Vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 581-602. 22 pages.

@Colding, Johan, and Stephan Barthel. 2013. “The Potential of ‘Urban Green Commons’ in the Resilience Building of Cities.” Ecological Economics 86 (February): 156–66. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2012.10.016. 11 pages.

@Dempsey, N., Bramley, G., Power, S. and Brown, C. 2011. The social dimension of sustainable development: Defining urban social sustainability. Sustainable Development. Vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 289–300. 12 pages.

BOK: Flint, J. and Raco, M. (eds) 2012. The future of sustainable cities. Critical reflections. Newcastle: Policy Press, chapter 3, 5, 9, 10 and 11.

@ Hodson, M. & Marvin, S. 2010. Urbanism in the anthropocene: Ecological urbanism or premium ecological enclaves? City. Vol. 14, no 3, pp. 298-313. 16 pages.

@Kwan, M. P. 2013. Beyond Space (As We Knew It): Toward Temporally Integrated Geographies of Segregation, Health, and Accessibility: Space–Time Integration in Geography and GIScience. Annals of the Association of American Geographers Vol. 103, no. 5, pp. 1078-1086. 9 sider.

@Quastel, N., Moos, M. and Lynch, N. 2012. Sustainability-As-Density and the Return of the Social: The Case of Vancouver, British Columbia. Urban Geography. Vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 1055-1084, 30 pages.

@Radywyl, Natalia, and Che Biggs. 2013. “Reclaiming the Commons for Urban Transformation.” Journal of Cleaner Production 50 (July): 159–70. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2012.12.020. 12 pages.

Urban metabolism/social practices and interventions

@Broto, V. C., Allen, A. and Rapoport, E. 2012. Interdisciplinary perspectives on urban metabolism. Journal of Industrial Ecology. Vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 851-861, 11 pages.

@Davoudi, S. and Sturzaker, J. 2017. Urban form, policy packaging and sustainable urban metabolism. Resources. Conservation and Recycling. Vol. 120, pp. 55-64. 10 pages.

Dijst, M., Worrell, E., Böcker, L., Brunner, P., Davoudi, S., Geertman, S., ... & Lenz, B. (2018). Exploring urban metabolism—Towards an interdisciplinary perspective. Conservation, Resources and Recycling, 132, pp. 190-203. 14 pages.

@Shove, E. 2010. Beyond the ABC: climate change policy and theories of social change. Environment and Planning A. Vol. 42, pp. 1273-1285. 13 pages.

BOK: Strengers, Y. and Maller, C. (eds.) 2015. Social Practices, Interventions and Sustanability. London: Routledge, pp. 13-60, 78-126, 163-200. 135 pages.

In sum 975 pages.

Published Nov. 15, 2018 2:50 PM - Last modified Feb. 14, 2019 12:50 PM