Syllabus/achievement requirements

* = the article is in a compendium

@ = the article is available online

Main books

Samers, M. (2010) Migration (Key Ideas in Geography Series), Routledge. – chapters 1-6, 311 pages

Glick Schiller, N. and Faist, T. (Ed) (2010) Migration, Development and Transnationalization: A Critical Stance, Berghahn books (Pocket size), chapters 1-5, 181 pages,

Articles & book chapters:

@Alba, R. and Foner, N. (2014), Comparing Immigrant Integration in North America and Western Europe: How Much Do the Grand Narratives Tell Us?. International Migration Review, 48: S263–S291. Online

@Black,  R, Neil Adge, W.. Arnell, W. N., Dercon, S, Geddes, A.,  Thomas,  D. S.G,  (20119 The effect of environmental change on human migration, Global Environmental Change 21S ,  S3–S11, 9 pages. Online

@Brochmann, G and Hagelund, A (2011) "Migrant in the Scandinavian Welfare State: The emergence of a social policy problem", Nordic Journal for Migration Research, 1(1):13- 23 – 11 pages. Online

@Carling, J. (2014), Scripting Remittances: Making Sense of Money Transfers in Transnational Relationships. International Migration Review, 48: S218–S262. Online

@Castles, Stephon (2014) International migration at a crossroads, Citizenship Studies, 18:2, 190-207. Online

@Cheran, R (2006) "Multiple homes and Parallel Civil Societies: Refugee Diasporas and Transnationalism", Refuge, 23(1): 4-8 – 5 pages. Online

*Cohen, R (2008) "Global Diasporas: An Introduction", Second edition, Chapter 1 (20 pages)

@Czaika, M. and De Haas, H. (2013), The Effectiveness of Immigration Policies. Population and Development Review, 39: 487–508. Online

@de Haas, H (2012) "Migration and Development Pendulum: A Critical View on Research and Policy", International Migration, 50(3): 8-24, 18 pages. Online

@Geiger, M. and Pécoud, A. (2013) Migration, Development and the ‘Migration and Development Nexus, Popul. Space Place 19, 369–374. Online

@Glick Schiller, Bach, L and Blanc-Szanton, C. (1992) "Transnationalism: A New Analytic Framework for Understanding Migration", Annals New York Academy of Science, 625: 1-24. (24 pages) Online

@King, R &  Skeldon, R (2010) ‘Mind the Gap!’ Integrating Approaches to Internal and International Migration, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 36:10, 1619-1646, 27 pages. Online

@King, R  (2012) Geography and Migration Studies: Retrospect and Prospec, Popul. Space Place 18, 134–153, 19 pages. Online

@Lackrois, T (2014) Conceptualizing Transnational Engagements: A Structure and Agency Perspective on (Hometown) Transnationalism, IMR, Vol. 48, No. 3, 36 pages Online

@Shanmugaratnam, N (2001) "On the meaning of development: An exploration of the capability approach", Forum for Development Studies, 28 (2): 263-288. (26 pages) Online

@Siim, B, (2013) "Gender, diversity and migration – challenges to Nordic welfare, gender politics and research", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, Vol. 32 Iss: 6, pp.615 - 628. Online

@Sinatti, S and Horst, C (2014) Migrants as agents of development: Diaspora engagement discourse and practice in Europe, Ethnicities, 1-19, 19 pages. Online

@Tölölyan, K (2012) "Diaspora studies: Past, present and promise, working paper 55", International Migration Institute, University of Oxford, UK .(11 pages). Online

@Van Hear, N (2014) Reconsidering Migration and Class, IMR, Vol. 48, No. S1, 100-121, 22 pages. Online

*Vetrovec, S (2009) Transnationalism, Routledge, "Chapter 1". (26 pages)

@Wise R.D, Covarrubias, M.C, and  Puentes, R. (2013) Reframing the Debate on Migration,Development and Human Rights, Popul. Space Place 19, 430–443. Online

@Yazgan, P, Eroglu Utku, D and Sirkeci, R (2015) Syrian Crisis and Migration,  Migration Letters, Vol: 12, No: 3, pp. 181 – 192 , 11 pages. Online

Recommended reading:

@Brubaker, R (2005): "The ‘diaspora’ diaspora", Ethnic and Racial Studies, 28(1), 1-19. (19 pages). Online

@Carling, J and Erdal, M.B (2012) "How does conflict in Migrants’ country of origin affect Remittance-Sending? Financial priorities and Transnational Obligations Among Somalis and Pakistanis in Norway", International Migration review, 46(2): 283-309. (27 pages) Online

@Paasche, E and Fangen, K (2012), “Transnational Involvement: Reading Quantitative Studies in Light of Qualitative Data,” International Journal of Population Research, vol. 2012, Article ID 580819, 12 pages Online

@Tharmalingam, S (2011) "Remittances Practices and Transnational Social Spaces of Tamils and Somalis in Norway", Nordic Journal of Migration Research 1(3): 166-175. (10 pages) Online


Published Oct. 9, 2015 3:36 PM - Last modified Oct. 9, 2015 3:36 PM