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Begreper og teori

Peet, R & E. Hartwick. 2009, Theories of development. Contentions, arguments, alternatives. 2nd Edition, Guildford, New York. Kap. 2,3,6,7,8. 173 s.

*Amin, S. 1984. "Self-reliance and the New International Economic Order". Addo, H. (ed.). Transforming the world economy. Hodder and Stoughton, London. 204-219. 16s.

*Baran, P. A. 1988. "On the political economy of backwardness". Wilber, C.K. (ed.). The political economy of development and underdevelopment. Random House, New York. 96-108. 13s.

*Frank, A.G. 1966. "The development of underdevelopment". Corbridge, S. (ed.). 1995: Development studies. A reader. Arnold, London. 27-37. 11s.

*Galtung, J. 1974. "En strukturell teori om imperialisme". Galtung, J: Fred, vold og imperialisme. Dreyer, Oslo. 122-161. 39s.

*Goulet, D. 1992. "Development: Creator and destroyer of values". World Development, No. 3. 467-475. 7s.

Gwynne, R.N. & C. Kay. 2004. "Latin America transformed: Globalization and neoliberalism". Gwynne, R.N. & C. Kay (eds). Latin America transformed. Globalization and modernity. 2nd ed. Arnold, London. 3-21. 18s.

*Kay, C. 1989. Latin American theories of development and underdevelopment. Routledge, London. 197-227. 30s.

*Lal, D. 1985. "The misconceptions of "development economics". Corbridge, S. (ed.). 1995: Development studies. A reader. Arnold, London. 56-63. 8s.

Murray, W.E. & E. Silva. 2004. "The political economy of sustainable development". Gwynne, R.N. & C. Kay (eds). Latin America transformed. Globalization and modernity . 2nd ed. Arnold, London. 117-138. 21s.

*Senghaas, D. 1985. The European experience. A historical critique of development theory. Berg, Leamington. 13-65. 52s.

*Sutcliffe, B. 1995. "Development after ecology". In Roberts, J.T & A. Hite (eds). 2000. From modernisation to globalisation. Blackwell, Oxford. 328-339. 12s.

Fattigdom og sårbarhet

@ Buchanan-Smith, M. & S. Jaspars. 2007. "Conflict, camps and coercion: the ongoing livelihoods crisis in Darfur". Disasters Vol. 31, Issue S1:s57-76. 20s Tilgjengelig på internett

@ Dilley, M. & T.E. Boudreau. 2001. "Coming to terms with vulnerability: a critique of the food security definition". Food Policy, Vol. 26:229-247. 19s Tilgjengelig på internett

*Hesselberg, J. 1996. "Shelter strategies and the urban poor". Forum for Development Studies, No. 2. 405-415. 11s.

*Hesselberg, J. 2005. "The urban and the rural in the development debate: an overview". Forum for Development Studies. Vol. 32, No. 2 493-507. 14s.

@ Hesselberg, J. 2010. "Fattigdom, utviklingsteori- og stategi." Notat. Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi, UiO. 42s. Finnes på Classfronter.

@ Hill, E. 2001. "Women in the Indian informal economy: collective strategies for work life improvement and development". Work, Employment & Society, Vol. 15, No. 3. 443-464. 20s. Tilgjengelig på internett

@ Hulme, D. & A. Shepherd. 2003. "Conceptualising chronic poverty". World Development, Vol. 31, No. 3. 403-423. 18s. Tilgjengelig på internett

*Miller, S.M. 1996. "The great chain of poverty explanations". Øyen, E. et al. (eds). Poverty: A global review. Scandinavian University Press, Oslo. 569-586. 18s.

*Rakodi, C. & T. Lloyd- Jones (eds). 2002. Urban livelihoods. Earthscan, London. Chapt. 1,2,4,5. 76s.

*De Almeida, L.F. & F.R. Sànchez. 2000. "The landless workers’s movement and social struggle against neoliberalism". Latin American Perspectives, Vol. 27, Issue 114. 11-32. 21s.

Ellis, F. 2000. Rural livelihoods and diversity in developing countries. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Kap. 1, 2, 11. 80s.

Kay, C. 2004. "Rural livelihoods and peasant futures". Gwynne, R.N. & C. Kay (eds). Latin America transformed. Globalization and modernity. 2nd ed. Arnold, London. 232-250. 18s.

Industrialisering, internasjonal arbeidsdeling og globalisering

*Alden, C. 2007. "China's new foreign policy towards Africa". Alden, C. China in Africa. Zed Books, London. 8-36. 25s.

* Soares de Oliveria, F. 2008. "Making sense of Chinese Oil Investment in Africa". Alden, C. et al. China Returns to Africa. A Rising Power and a Continent Embrace. Hurst & Company, London. 83-110. 27s.

@ Amsden, A. 2004. "Import substitution in high-tech industries: Prebisch lives in Asia!" CEPAL Review 82. 75-89. 14s. Tilgjengelig på internett

*Chang, Ha-Joon. 2003. Globalisation, economic development and the state. Zed Books, London. Chapt. 9: "Institutional foundations for effective design and implementation of selective trade and industrial policies in the least developed countries: theory and evidence". 305-335. 30s.

*Gereffi, G. 1996. "The elusive last lap in the quest for developed-country status". Mittelman, J. (ed.). Globalization. Critical reflections. Lynne Rienner, London. 53-81. 28s.

Gwynne, R.N. 2004. "Structural reform in South America and Mexico: economic and regional perspectives". Gwynne, R.N. & C. Kay (eds). Latin America transformed. Globalization and modernity. 2nd ec. Arnold, London. 39-66. 27s

Kiley, R. 1998. Industrialization and development. Arrowhead Books Press, Reading. Chapter 2, 5, and 8. 69s.

@ Knutsen, H.M. 2003. "Black entrepreneurs, local embeddedness and regional economic development in Northern Namibia." Journal of Modern African Studies Vol. 41, No.4. 555-586. 31s. Tilgjengelig på internett

Politikk og utvikling

Burnell, P. & Randall, V. (eds). 2008. Politics in the developing world. 2nd edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford. kap: 1,9,10,11,14,18 og 20. 160s.

Etisk produksjon og handel, arbeidsforhold

*Chan, A. 2001. Chinese workers under assault. Chapt. 9: "In pursuit of labour rights". M.E. Sharpe, Armonk. 223-235. 14s.

@ Bhagwathi, J, 1995. "Trade liberalisation and fair trade demands: addressing the environmental and labour standards issues". World Economy, Vol. 18, No. 6. 745-759. 14s. Tilgjengelig på internett

@ Bergene, A. C. 2007. "Trade unions walking the tightrope in defending workers’ interests: Wielding a weapon too strong?" Labour Studies Journal, Vol. 32, 142-166. 22s. Tilgjengelig på internett

@ Hensman, R. 2001. "World trade and workers’ rights: in search of an internationalist position". Antipode, Vol. 33, No3. 427-450. 21s Tilgjengelig på internett

Jenkins, R., Pearson, R., & Seyfang, G. 2002. Corporate responsibility and labour rights. Earthscan, London. Chapt. 2, 8, 10,11,13,16. 72s.

@ Prieto-Carrón, M., Lund-Thomsen, P. , Chan, A., Muro, A. & Bhushan, C. 2006. "Critical perspectives on CSR and development: what we know, don’t know and what we need to know." International Affairs Vol. 82, No. 5. 977-987. 10s. Tilgjengelig på internett

*Singh, A. & Zammit, A. 2003. "Globalisation, labour standards and economic development". Michie, J. (ed.). The Handbook of Globalisation. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. 191-215. 24s.


Degnbol-Martinussen, J. & P. Engeberg-Pedersen. 2003. Aid. Understanding international development cooperation. Zed Books, London. Chapt. 3, 4, 13,14. 30-55 and 267-315 75s.

*Liland, F. & K.A. Kjerland. 2003. Norsk utviklingshjelps historie. Bind 3. 1989-2002. Fagbokforlaget, Bergen. Kap.1: Norge, utviklingsland og internasjonalt samarbeid. 17-30. 13s.

*Riddell, R.C. 2007. Does foreign aid really work? Chapter 20: Why aid isn’t working. Oxford University press, Oxford. 357-380. 23s.

Totalt 1414 sider

Anbefalt litteratur, ikke pensum


Chambers, R. 1997. Whose reality counts? Putting the first last. Intermediate Technology Publications, London.

@ Hesselberg, J. 2009. "Fieldwork in developing countries. A short student guide." Notat. Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi, UiO. 63s. Finnes i Classfronter


Desai, V. & R.B. Potter. (eds) 2008. The companion to development studies. Arnold, London. Second Edition.

Sachs, W. (ed.). 2002. Development dictionary. A guide to knowledge as power. Zed, London. Second Edition.

UNDP. Human Development Report. Oxford University Press. Årlig publikasjon.

World Bank. 2000/2001. World Development Report. Attacking poverty. Oxford University Press. Også årlig publikasjon.

World Bank. World Development Indicators. Washington DC. Årlig publikasjon.

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Publisert 13. okt. 2009 16:16 - Sist endret 26. jan. 2010 12:30