
* = Finnes i kopisamling

Pensum består av to bøker samt kompendier. Bøkene er:

Clark, G. et al. (red): The Oxford Handbook of Economic Geography. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Pensum består av kap. 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 34 (375 sider).

Peck, J. og Wai-chung Yeung, H. (red.) (2003): Remaking the Global Economy. Sage, London De kapitlene som er pensum, er listet under sine respektive temaområder under.

Artiklene som inngår i kompendiene er gruppert etter temaene som er listet opp under med *:

1. Regional utvikling og læring:

*Asheim, B. T. (2001) Learning regions as development coalitions: Partnership as governance in European workfare states? Concepts and Transformation, John Benjamin Publishing Company, Amsterdam-Philadelpia, 6, 1, 73-101.

*Asheim, B. T. & Isaksen, A. (2000) Localised knowledge, interactive learning and innovation: Between regional networks and global corporations, i Taylor, M. & Vatne E. (red), The Networked Firm in a Global World, Ashgate, Aldershot, 163-198.

*Cooke, P. (1998) Introduction: origins of the concept, i Braczyk, H. J. et al. (red), Regional Innovation Systems. UCL Press, London, 2-25.

*Gertler, M. (2000) Best Practice? Geography, learning and the institutional limits to strong convergence. Journal of Economic Geography, 1, 1, 5-26

*Hudson, R. (1997) Regional futures: Industrial restructuring, new high volume production concepts and spatial development strategies in the New Europe. Regional Studies, 31, 5, 467-478.

*Hudson, R. (1999) The learning economy, the learning firm and the learning region. European Urban and Regional Studies, 6, 1, 59-72.

Malmberg, A. (2003). Beyond the cluster – local milieus and global connections. I Peck, J. og Wai-chung Yeung, H. (red.): Remaking the Global Economy. Sage, London. (s.145-159).

*Martin, R. (1999) The new ”geographical turn” in economics: some critical reflections. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 23, x, 65-91.

*Maskell, P. & Malmberg, A. (1999) The competitiveness of firms and regions. European Urban and Regional Studies, 6, 1, 9-25.

*Morgan, K. (1997) The learning region: Institutions, innovation and regional renewal. Regional Studies, 31, 5, 491-504.

*Porter, M. E. (1998) Clusters and the new economics of competition. Harvard Business Review, Nov.- Dec., 77-90.

2. Perspektiver på periferier

*Barnes, T.J. (1999). Industrial geography, institutional economics and Innis. In (ed.): Barnes, T.J. and Gertler, M.S The New Industrial Geography, Routledge, London and New York. s. 1-22.

*Ceccato, V. og Persson, L.O. (2002). Dynamics of rural areas: an assessment of clusters of employment in Sweden. Journal of Rural Studies, vol. 18, no. 1, s. 49-63.

*Hayter, R. and Homes, J (1999). Continentalism in an area of globalization. A perspective from Canada’s resource periphery. In (ed.): Barnes, T.J. and Gertler, M.S The New Industrial Geography, Routledge, London and New York. Side 176-201

*Hayter, R. (2003). Relocating resource peripheries to the core of Economic geography’s theorizing: rationale and agenda. Area, vol. 35, no. 1 9 sider

Lee, R. (2003). The marginalizatin of everywhere? Emerging geographies of emerging markets. I Peck, J. og Wai-chung Yeung, H. (red.): Remaking the Global Economy. Sage, London. (61-82)

3. Transnasjonale selskaper og globalisering

Amin, A. (2003). Spaces of corporate learning. I Peck, J. og Wai-chung Yeung, H. (red.): Remking the Global Economy. Sage, London. (114-129).

Dicken, P. (2003). “Placing firms: grounding the debate on the “global” corporation. I Peck, J. og Wai-chung Yeung, H. (red.): Remaking the Global Economy. Sage, London. (27-44).

Gertler, M.S. (2003). The spatial life of things: the real world of practice within the global firm. I Peck, J. og Wai-chung Yeung, H. (red.): Remaking the Global Economy. Sage, London. (101-113).

Tickell, A. og Peck, j. (2003). Making global rules: globalization or neoliberalization. I Peck, J. og Wai-chung Yeung, H. (red.): Remaking the Global Economy. Sage, London. (163-181).

4. Økologisk modernisering

*Gibbs, D. (200) Ecological modernisation, regional economic development and regional development agencies. Geoforum, 31, 1, 9-19 (11 s.)

*Kasa, S. (2000) Policy networks as barriers to green tax reform: The case of CO2-taxes in Norway. Environmental Politics, 9, 4, 104-122 (18 s.)

*Mol, A. & Spaargaren, C. (2000) Ecological modernisation theory in debate: A review. Environmental Politics, 9, 1, 17-49 (32 s.)

*Murphy, j. & Gouldson, A. (2000) Environmental policy and industrial innovation: integrating environment and economy through ecological modernisation. Geoforum, 31, 1, 33-44 (11 s.)

Schoenberger, E. (2003). The globalization of environmental management: international investments in the water, waste-water and solid waste industries. I Peck, J. og Wai-chung Yeung, H. (red.): Remaking the Global Economy. Sage, London. (83-98).

Tilsammen ca 900 sider.

Publisert 8. nov. 2004 10:43 - Sist endret 8. nov. 2004 10:45