SGO4201 - Pensum/læringskrav

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*Amin, A. og Thrift, N. (2002): Cities. Reimaging the urban. Cambridge: Polity Press. Kapittel 4. 28 sider.

@Dear, M. & Flusty, S. (1998): "Postmodern urbanism." Annals of the Association of American Geographers, vol. 88, nr. 1, s. 50-72. 23 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

@Lees, L. (2002): Rematerializing geography: the ‘new’ urban geography. Progress in human geography, vol. 26, nr. 1, s. 101-112. 12 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

@Ley, D. (2003): "Forgetting postmodernism? Recuperating a social history of local knowledge." Progress in Human Geography, vol. 27, nr. 5, s. 537-560. 24 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

*Simonsen, K. (2005): Byens mange ansigter – konstruktion af byen i praksis og fortælling. Frederiksberg C: Roskilde Universitetsforlag. Kapittel 2. 20 sider.

*Wessel, T. (2006): "Los Angeles-modellen. Urbanisme a la LA". I S. Uglevik Larsen (red.) Teori og metode i geografi. Fagbokforlaget, Oslo, s. 94-112. 19 sider.

126 sider.


*Franzen, M. (2008) ”Problemet segregation: en orättvis jämförelse”. I Magnusson Turner, L. (red.) Den delade staden. Borea Bokförlag, Umeå, side 25-50. 26 sider.

@Schnell, I. og Benjamini, Y. (2001) "The socio-spatial isolation of agents in everyday life spaces as an aspect of segregation". Annals of the Association of American Geographers 91, s. 622-636. 15 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

@Schnell, I. og Benjamini, Y. (2005) Globalisation and the Structure of Urban Social Space: The Lesson from Tel Aviv. Urban Studies 42: 2489-2510. 22 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

@Tredoux, C. G. og Dixon, J. A. (2009) Mapping the Multiple Contexts of Racial Isolation: The Case of Long Street, Cape Town. Urban Studies, 46: 761-777. 17 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

*Castaneda, E. (2012) “Places of Stigma: Ghettos, Barrios, and Banlieus”. I Hutchinson, R. og Haynes, B.D. (red.) The Ghetto. Contemporary Global Issues and Controversies. Westview, Phil. PA, side 159-190. 32 sider.

*Wacquant, L. (2008) kapittel 5 “From Conflation to Comparison: How Banlieus and Ghettos Converge and Contrast” I Urban Outcasts. Polity Press: Cambridge side 135-162. 28 sider.

@Wessel, T. (2009) "Does diversity in urban space enhance intergroup contact and tolerance?"  Human Geography s. 5 - 17. 13 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

171 sider.



*Atkinson, R., Buck, N. og Kintrea, K. (2005) "Neighbourhoods and poverty: linking place and social exclusion". I Buck, N., Gordon, I, Harding, A. og Turok, I. (red.) Changing Cities. New York: Palgrave MacMillan. 18 sider.

@Brattbakk, I. og Wessel, T. (2011) "Long-term neighbourhood effects on education, income and employment among adolescents in Oslo". Urban Studies 50: 381-406. 16 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

*Galster, G. (2010) The Mechanisms of Neighborhood effects. Theory, Evidence, and Policy Implications. Paper for presentation at the ESRC Seminar: Neighbourhood Effects: Theory & Evidence, St. Andrews University, Scotland UK, 4-5 February 2010. 29 sider.

*Galster, G. (2012) “Neighbourhoods and Their Role in Creating and Changing Housing”. I Clapham, D. F., Clark, W.A.V. and Gibb, K. (red.) The Sage Handbook of Housing Studies. Sage Publications, London, side 84-106. 23 sider.

@Hastings, A. (2004): "Stigma and social housing estates: Beyond pathological explanations. Journal of Housing and Built Environment, vol. 19, s. 233-254. 22 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

*Pebley, A. R. and Sastry, N. (2004) Neighborhoods, Poverty, and Children’s Well-Being, in Neckerman, K. M. (Ed.) Social Inequality, pp. 119-145. New York: Russel Sage Foundation. 28 sider.

*Van Kempen, R. og Bolt, G. (2012) “Social Consequences of Residential Segregation and Mixed Neighbourhoods”. I Clapham, D. F., Clark, W.A.V. and Gibb, K. (red.) The Sage Handbook of Housing Studies. Sage Publications, London, side 439-460. 22 sider

*Wessel, T. (2014) Hvilken betydning har nabolaget for barns utvikling og livssjanser? Barne-, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet (red.) Oppvekstrapporten 2013, s. 247- 254. 8 sider.

166 sider



@Berry, H. og Hamilton, M. 2010. "Changing urban spaces: mobile phones on trains". Mobilities, vol. 5, nr. 1, s. 111-129. 19 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

@Banister, D. (2008). The sustainable mobility paradigm. Transport policy15(2), 73-80. 8 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

@Caragliu, A., Del Bo, C. & Nijkamp, P. 2011. Smart cities in Europe. Journal of Urban Technology. Vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 65-82. 18 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

@Dal Fiore, F., Mokhtarian, P. L., Salomon, I., & Singer, M. E. (2014). “Nomads at last”? A set of perspectives on how mobile technology may affect travel. Journal of Transport Geography, 41, 97-106. 10 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

@Dijst, M. (2013). Space–Time Integration in a Dynamic Urbanizing World: Current Status and Future Prospects in Geography and GIScience: Space–Time Integration in Geography and GIScience. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103(5), 1058-1061. 4 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

*Edensor, T. (2012). "Commuter: Mobility, rhythm and commuting", i Cresswell, T. og Merriman, P. (red.)  Geographies of Mobilities: Practices Spaces Subjects. Ashgate, Farnham. s. 189-204. 16 sider

@Gilbert, M. (2010). "Theorizing Digital and Urban Inequalities. Critical geographies of 'race', gender and technological capital". Information, Communication & Society, vol. 13, nr. 7, s. 1000 – 1018. 19 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

@Goodwin P.G. (2012) Three views on ‘peak car’. World Transport Policy & Practice, 17(4), 8-17. 10 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

@Hjorthol, R., Gripsrud, M. 2009. "Home as a communication hub: the domestic use of ICT". Journal of Transport Geography, vol. 17, nr. 2, s. 115-123. 9 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

@Horner, M. (2004). "Spatial dimensions of urban commuting: A review of major issues and their implications for future geographic research". The professional geographer, vol. 56, nr. 2, s. 160-173. 14 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

@Kellerman, A. (2010). "Mobile broadband services and the availability of instant access to cyberspace". Environment and Planning A, vol. 42, nr. 12, s. 2990 – 3005. 16 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

@Kitchin, R. (2014): “The real-time city? Big data and smart urbanism”. GeoJournal, vol. 79, nr 1, s. 1-14, 15 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

@Kwan, M. P. (2013). Beyond Space (As We Knew It): Toward Temporally Integrated Geographies of Segregation, Health, and Accessibility: Space–Time Integration in Geography and GIScience. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 103(5), 1078-1086. 9 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

@Luque-Ayala, A and Marvin, S. (2015): “Developing a critical understanding of smart urbanism?” Urban Studies. Published online before print March 23, 2015, 13 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

@Næss, P. (2006). "Accessibility, Activity Participation and Location of Activities: Exploring the Links between Residential Location and Travel Behaviour". Urban Studies, vol. 43, nr. 3, s. 627–652. 26 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

@Robertson, S. (2007): "Visions of urban mobility: the Westway, London, England". Cultural geographies, Vol. 14, s. 74-91. 18 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

@Sheller, M. og Urry, J. (2000): "The city and the car". International journal of urban and regional research, vol. 24, nr. 4, s. 737-757. 21 sider. Tilgjengelig på internett

245 sider.

I alt 708 sider.


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Publisert 17. apr. 2015 14:22 - Sist endret 21. apr. 2015 09:04