Syllabus/achievement requirements

Course literature for SGO4401 is only available in electronic format. Most of the material can be accessed through internet links provided below, but much of the access requires that you use a UiO computer. All of the course literature is available on the course's homepage in Fronter (this requires that you are registered as a SGO4401 student).

Political Geography @ UiO: The Politics and Spatiality of Representation

Stokke, K. and Sæther, E. (2009). Political Geography in Norway. Current State and Future Prospects. Norwegian Journal of Geography. 64(4): 211-215.

Stokke, K., Sæther, E. and Jordhus-Lier, D. (2011). Decentred Political Geography. Unpublished manuscript. On Fronter

Transitions to Democracy and Peace

Barnett, C. and Low, M. (2004). Geography and Democracy: An Introduction. In C. Barnett and M. Low (eds.), Spaces of Democracy: Geographical Perspectives on Citizenship, Participation and Representation. London: Sage On Fronter

Luckham, R., Goetz, A.M. and Kaldor, M. (2003). Democratic institutions and democratic politics. In S. Bastian and R. Luckham (eds.). Can democracy be designed? The politics of institutional choice in conflict torn societies. London: Zed

Carothers, T. (2002). The end of the transition paradigm. Journal of Democracy 13(1): 5-21

Stokke, K. (in print 2009). Human Geography and the Contextual Politics of Substantive Democracy. Progress in Human Geography

Törnquist, O. (forthcoming 2009). The problem is representation! Towards an analytical framework. In Törnquist, O., Webster, N. and Stokke, K. (Eds.). Rethinking Popular Representation. Houndmills: Palgrave On Fronter

The politics of governance transformations

MacKinnon, D. (2011). Reconstructing scale: Towards a new scalar politics. Progress in Human Geography 35(1): 21-36

Melo, M. and Baiocchi, G. (2006). Deliberative democracy and local governance: towards a new agenda. International journal of urban and regional research, 30(3): 587–600

Swyngedouw, E. (2005). Governance innovation and the citizen: the janus face of governance-beyond-the state. Urban Studies 42(11): 1991-2006

Politics of the environment

Harriet Bulkeley 2005. Reconfiguring environmental governance: Towards a politics of scales and networks. Political Geography 24 (875-902)

Eivind Hovden and Gard Lindseth 2004. Discourses in Norwegian Climate Policy: National Action or Thinking Globally? Political Studies 52 (63-81)

Andreas Tjernshaugen 2011: The growth of political support for CO2 capture and storage in Norway. Environmental Politics 20 (227-245)

Rethinking spaces of citizenship

Hammet, D. (2008). The challenge of a perception of [`]un-entitlement' to citizenship in post-Apartheid South Africa. Political Geography 27(6): 652 – 668

Mohan, G. (2007). Participatory Development: from Epistemological Reversals to Active Citizenship. Geography Compass 1(4): 779 – 796 On Fronter

Miraftab, F. and Willis, S. (2005). Insurgency and spaces of active citizenship: The story of Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign in South Africa. Journal of planning education and research 25(2): 200-217

Robins, S., Cornwall, A. and von Lieres, B. (2008). Rethinking citizenship in the postcolony. Third World Quarterly 29(6): 1069-1086

Civil society and social movements

Garmany, J. (2008). The Spaces of Social Movements: O Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra from a Socio-spatial Perspective. Space and Polity 12(3): 311–328

McIlwaine, C. (2007). From Local to Global to Transnational Civil Society: Re-Framing Development Perspectives on the Non-State Sector. Geography Compass 1(6): 1252-1281 On Fronter

Nicholls, W.J. (2007). The geographies of social movements. Geography Compass 1(3): 607–622 On Fronter

Routledge, P. (2003). Voices of the dammed: discursive resistance amidst erasure in the Narmada Valley, India. Political Geography 22: 243–270

Stokke, K. (in print 2009). Civil Society in Sri Lanka during and after the 5th Peace Process: Changing Spaces for Advocating Political Transformations and Delivering Social Welfare. In J. Howell and J. Lind (Eds.), Civil Society under Strain: Counter-Terrorism Policy, Civil Society and Aid Post-9/11. Kumarian On Fronter

New geographies of work

Johns, R. and L. Vural (2000). Class, geography and the consumerist turn: UNITE and the Stop Sweatshops Campaign. Environment and Planning A 32: 1193-1214.

Lier, D. C. and K. Stokke (2006). Maximum working class unity? Challenges to local social movement unionism in Cape Town. Antipode 38(4): 802-24.

Sadler, D. (2004). Trade unions, coalitions and communities: Australia's Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union and the international stakeholder campaign against Rio Tinto. Geoforum 35(1): 35-46.

Tufts, S. (1998). Community unionism in Canada and labour's (re)organizing of space. Antipode 30(3): 227-250.

Politics of migrant labour in China

Chan, C. K.-C. and N. Pun (2009). The Making of a New Working Class? A Study of Collective Actions of Migrant Workers in South China. China Quarterly 198: 287-303.

Friedman, E. and C. K. Lee (2010). Remaking the World of Chinese Labour: A 30-Year Retrospective. British Journal of Industrial Relations 48(3): 507-533.

Lee, C. K. (2008). Rights Activism in China Contexts 7(3): 14-19.

Thireau, I. and H. Linshan (2003). The Moral Universe of Aggrieved Chinese Workers: Workers' Appeals to Arbitration Committees and Letters and Visits Offices. The China Journal 50: 83-103.

Mediated representations

Chouliaraki, L. (2006). The aestheticization of suffering on television. Visual Communication 5(3): 261-285

Höijer, B. (2004). The discourse of global compassion: the audience and meda reporting of human suffering. Media, Culture and Society 26(4): 513-531

Sæther, E. (2008). Discursive strategies of critical journalists in China. China aktuell. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 4: 5-29 On Fronter

Transitional justice after conflict and authoritarianism

Barahona de Brito, A., González-Enríquez, G. et al. (Eds.) (2001). The Politics of Memory. Transitional Justice in Democratizing Societies. Oxford, Oxford University Press (Introduction, pp 1-39). On Fronter

García-Godos, J. (2008). Victim Reparations in Transitional Justice – What is at Stake and Why. Nordic Journal of Human Rights 26(2): 111-130.

Wilson, R. A. (2001). The Politics of Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa. Legitimizing the Post-Apartheid State. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. (Chapter 1: Human rights and nation-building, pp 1-30) On Fronter

Identity politics and nationalism

Daley, P. (2006). Ethnicity and political violence in Africa: The challenge to the Burundi state. Political Geography 25: 657-679

Korf, B. (2006). Who is the rogue? Discourse, power and spatial politics in post-war Sri Lanka. Political Geography 25: 279-297

Penrose, J. (2002). Nations, states and homelands: territory and territoriality in nationalist thought. Nations and Nationalism 8 (3): 277-297

Yiftachel, O. and Ghanem, A. (2004). Understanding ‘ethnocratic’ regimes: the politics of seizing contested territories. Political Geography 23: 647–676

Published Apr. 5, 2011 10:26 AM - Last modified Aug. 10, 2011 11:15 AM