
Kritisk geopolitikk:

*Hyndman, J. (2004) : "Mind the gap: bridging feminist and political geography through geopolitics". Political Geography, vol 23, s. 307-322 (15 sider)

Slater, D. (2004): Geopolitics and the post-colonial. Blackwell, Malden, MA. Kapittel 1,2,6,6,8,9 (148 sider)

 Diskurs og politikk

*Fairclough, N. (2000): New labour, new language. Routledge, London. Kapittel 1 (29 sider)

*Said, E. W.(1995): Orientalism: Western conceptions of the orient. Penguin, London. s.1-28 (29 sider)

Identitet og grenser

Cresswell, T. (1996) In place/out of place : geography, ideology and transgression. University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis. Kapittel 1,3,6,7 (68 sider)

*Hooks, B. (2001): "Eating the other: desire and resistance". I: Media and cultural studies. Blackwell, Malden, MA. (14 sider)

*Paasi, A. (1999): "Boundaries as social practice and discourse: the Finnish-Russian border". Regional Studies. Vol 33, 7, s. 669-680 (12 sider)

*Sibley, D. (1999). "Outsiders in society and space!. I: Anderson, K. And Gale, F. Cultural geographies. Longman (16 sider)


Barnett, C. and Low, M. (2004): Spaces of Democracy. Sage, London. Kapittel 1,5,7,8,10,11 (112 sider)

Nasjonal identitet

Calhoun, C.: Nationalism. Open University Press, Buckingham. Kapittel 1,2,3,4,5 (95 sider)

Makt og motstand

Lukes, S. (2005): Power: a radical view. Palgrave, Hampshire. Kapittel 1og 3 (88 sider)

Scott, J. (1990): Domination and the arts of resistance. Yale University Press, New Haven. Kapittel 2,3,4 (90 sider)

Totalt 716 sider

The compendium will be available at Kopiutsalget at the bookstore Gnist Akademika at Blindern. Please bring your student card.

Publisert 25. apr. 2006 00:53 - Sist endret 11. juni 2006 16:52